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About Ferrymierdas

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  1. 24h ended. biggest bid: 3m by lokigodofchaos. pm me at Ferrytiuuu (Gardevoir's OT). Im online atm
  2. 30 min left
  3. Wasn't my intention to try to scam or piss you loki, just wanted to clear things up.
  4. Then we're taking ur statement. 3h and 8 min left. Just wanted to clarify it, so I didn't close it at 25h or 23h.
  5. Then we're at the start again. the first bid was made at 20:00 GTM +1. We're at 15:36, so 4h and 24 min till the auction ends.
  6. That's the thing, every single page says it's 9:28 am. The only time zone that's 10:28 its ET, not EST
  7. As we aren't understanding each other, gonna close it at my 19:00, as it seems nobody is gonna bid more.
  8. As I said, i don't get how the Eastern time works, so I'm not sure what's happening First bid was made at 20:00 GMT +1 GMT +1 is 4 hours 40 min away from 20:00
  9. Isn't EST time 5 hours away from the end of the auction instead of 4?
  10. The first bid was made at 20:00 at GMT +1. 5 hours till its 20:00 again
  11. Let me try this again cause this is my first auction (sorry) and im kinda lost with the Eastern Time. End of auction: UTC +1 (my timezone): 20:00 ET: 15:00 EST: 14:00 UTC +1 right now: 11:55 ET right now: 6:55 EST right now: 5:55 8 hours and 5 min to finish Is it right?
  12. 10h left
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