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Everything posted by Guigeekgamingfr

  1. Salut ! Cette guilde francophone est intérréssante, pourrais-je la rejoindre ?
  2. Re: Guilde Elite FR [Recrutement] <t>Salut ! Pourrais-je intégrer cette guilde moi aussi ? J'essaye d'être actif mais à chaque fois que je veux jouerle serv est plein... Je cherchais une guilde fr et celle ci a l'air sympa</t>
  3. Hi ! I thought about it and now i suggest it but is it possible to create regional servers ? Like a european server with european players only but there would have also an asian, an american and an african server. It should be useful because when I want to play at 5pm it's the morning for the americans and at this moment the server is full ! I only played 2 times because of that ! Can the developpers can do something ?
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