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  1. Hi, I accidently released my Bisharp ign : Kakiatsune62114 server : Silver Thanking you in advance,
  2. i'd like to delete the post actually but idk how to do :/
  3. Insta price 1m B.o starts 550k 24hours begining 06/11/17 5.00pm ( GMT +1 ) My ig name : Kakiatsune62114
  4. Insta price 350k I am the OT of this poke. Feel free to pm me in game ( you should find me in [all] chat ).
  5. Re: Akatsuki ☁ {RED SERVER} <t>first thing, hello.<br/> My Ign is kakiatsune62114 ( i beg you, don't judge me )<br/> About the conditions : i've 241hours in game. I used to play the game before but stopped for a while and just came back today;<br/> I completed all the regions league. I've got discord. Nevertheless I'll be 17 only in 4months hope it doesn't matter for you but i prefer telling you right here.<br/> I'll obviously be loyal to the guild and I think i'm such a good guy so why not ? The point that would probably fuck up this post is that I'm not good in PvP, I've got some knowledge about moves, weaknesses etc but I feel like I lack expercience.<br/> I hope I'll be able to join you, and btw that's one of your member who asked me in game if i wanted to come with you ( ign envymeister ) he looks pretty cool and told me good 'bout you.<br/> Thank you for reading this shitty english until the end x')</t>
  6. sold for 1m5 ingame it's finished
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