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Everything posted by Lanchan1

  1. moved to proper forum Thanks!
  2. Hello all, show me ur best offers pls! Auction will end 9/11/2017, or if i decide to accept the offer earlier. If at the end of the auction im not happy with the price i will not sell it. My in-game OT: Lanchan1 :Angel: https://imgur.com/a/i5T7r
  3. Will the ability: Scrappy soon be implemented? Good to counter the obvious ghost switch ins.
  4. Jirachi knows Doom Desire and it hits first turn, it should take 2 turns cause it does 140 dmg with 100% accuracy. Imo this is a bannable move cause it is broken.
  5. It says im temporarely banned :( but why?? i never done anything wrong im always friendly against everyone and try to support the community Make the appeal and ask reason of banned, so GM or tmod will look and answer it. Sorry cannot help you in this case. Ok i made the appeal thanks for fast reply
  6. Link to access the game's website and enter in your account to see you been ban or not: https://pokemonrevolution.net/Account.php Section to make the appeal: https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/viewforum.php?f=32 If you are not showing ban, it mean the problem lies in IP or hub module, so you will need to change or reset it for solving. Hope it can help you. It says im temporarely banned :( but why?? i never done anything wrong im always friendly against everyone and try to support the community
  7. hello i was just trying to sign in on lanchan1 a membership account which i spend so much money on and it said u are banned from pro? I was just hunting all day for hippopotas and didnt do anything against the rules ever. Pls help me!!!
  8. Re: WTS Epic Bold Venusaur! <t>bump it up</t>
  9. Re: WTS Epic Bold Venusaur! <t>bumperino</t>
  10. Re: WTS Epic Bold Venusaur! <r><QUOTE author="phime"><s> </e></QUOTE> sorry looking for more</r>
  11. Re: WTS Epic Bold Venusaur! <r><QUOTE author="lkfo415579"><s> </e></QUOTE> sorry looking for more</r>
  12. Re: WTS Epic Bold Venusaur! <t>Bumperino</t>
  13. TRADED!
  14. Re: WTS Epic Bold Bulbasaur! <t>Bumperino!</t>
  15. Re: WTS Epic Bold Bulbasaur! <t>Bumperino</t>
  16. i have the same problem cannot open the rar file :(
  17. PRO Username: Lanchan1 Do you have active membership?: No Your knowledge about PRO: Beginner What have you done before the problem was there? i tried to download and open winrar file but wont open :( What have you already tried to solve the problem? i tried almost everything Description and Message PRO Username: Lanchan1 Do you have active membership?: No Your knowledge about PRO: Beginner What have you done before the problem was there? i tried to download and open winrar file but wont open :( What have you already tried to solve the problem? i tried almost everything Description and Message
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