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Everything posted by Momegame

  1. Hi everyone ! I'm searching a good dratini (kanto poke), i don't care about the lvl. I'm interessed by 2 kind of set : 1) Adamant or jolly dratini, to make an aggressive (classic) one. I'd like him to have Attack and Speed IV at least 28, Def, SpéDef and HP at least 20 and don't care about SPAtk. Defensives stats are less important than aggro stats so if they don't really fit the number but attack, speed and nature are good I'm ok with it ! It could be great if he has the hidden talent (multiscale), but i'd rather good IV and classic talent than bad IV and hidden ability. Best would be both... 2) Many kind of nature here : it could be one which increase a Defensive stat (impish, careful, sassy or relaxed) or increase Att (adamant or brave), to make a bulky one. In this case, I'd like him to haveat least 25 IV in Def, SPDef, Att and HP, don't care about SPAtk and Speed. Here I prefer a good balance between Att and Defensives stats, so i prefer the 4 stats at 25 than 1 at 31 and the 3 others at 15 ! For this set, i'd like to have the hidden ability ! Open to discuss, if you have an other kind of dratini show it (but I'm not really interessed in Spé dratini), make your offer here or pm me in game ! :) EDIT : No need anymore, i got one !
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