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  1. Username: TROUBLE66 Server: Gold Country/Timezone: CST (USA/Canada)
  2. Username: TROUBLE66 Server: Gold Country/Timezone: US / GMT-5
  3. 1.2m Bid by Hungrytaco247
  4. AUCTION FOR PVP READY HIPPOWDON Starting Bid: 1m Min Raise: 200k Insta: 5m Auction Will Last For 48 Hours Auction Starts Upon First Bid SOLD
  5. I was giving a friend some pokemon for the Elite Four to help them through the story but my Darmanatan is locked to Hoenn and she can not return it to me. We are on Gold Server
  6. I was giving a friend some pokemon for the Elite Four to help them through the story but my Darmanatan is locked to Hoenn and she can not return it to me. We are on Gold Server
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