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Posts posted by Zupercooer

  1. What megaflygon means, just wait one turn, do some boosting move/status move, see if it loses hp from black sludge, if it does, then dont false swipe, if it doesn't use it, false swipe won't kill pokemon, even if they are level 100.

  2. as the others have said, clafairy is another good option as you can get it quite early on and is very popular in pvp, timid tentacruel is a nice option, I quite like him for both pve and pvp, slowbro is really good pve and pvp just because he can deal so much damage and is so tanky bold is ideal with slowbro. By the way, be aware that gyarados needs to be either addy or jolly same, addy with growlithe, and gengar needs to be timid for pvp, bold is also good for clefairy but calm and modest are also good options. Also be aware when using these for pve that you will need to re-train their effort values at some point because otherwise they will not be usable in pvp.

  3. 154116 Bulbasaur was my starter. I don't really like it but when I started PRO ppl told me "DON'T CHOOSE CHARMANDER OR YOU'LL BE STUCK"


    Uh ok :Shocked:

    Well, that's if you couldn't find ways to counter the first 2 gyms with the pokemon available. I went with charmander because I normally always pick water types or grass types, so I thought to spice it up a bit. Also I got a really good physical charmander which is another thing I was happy about. :Cool:

  4. Oh so you created DW to be like that. I like that now thinking about it. No I don't mind getting bad items pokemon, whatever but at least the items can have some use and even if it isn't a great pokemon I either can have it on the dex or can sell it if I already have it. But actually I changed my mind about DW, I think him giving nothing is a funny feature.

  5. Desktop:

    Operating Systems: Windows Vista+, Mac OS X 10.7+, Ubuntu 10.10+.

    Graphics Card: DX9 (shader model 2.0) capabilities; generally everything made since 2004 should work.

    CPU Speed: 2Ghz+ Processor recommended.

    Ram: 2GB+ recommended


    are the minimum requirements for the game to run. If you can compare that to your own system that you are using, I am not too familiar with requirements such as this in general.

  6. Ok that's fine and kinda what I want to hear and I am glad you spotted issues with my argument that I wasn't fully aware of (partly because I have not used dual botting on multiple PCs and using multiple set ups/ inputs on the same pc). I was dual botting on one laptop on PRO after discovering how to do it with just a mouse and keyboard and found it generally a bit tedious than using one account, I did not consider using multiple inputs to make simultaneous play much easier and a lot more advantageous. I am glad you did come over to comment here :y:.

  7. I suppose that's another thing I didn't consider, what computer requirements are needed but considering it PRO, I dont think its very high.


    Edit. I just tested it on a low graphics £150 laptop with i3. its about 5 years old, I can dual box with that on PRO without issues.

  8. well my view of fair is whether people are unable to do it as opposed to those who chose to play on a single account, the reason why I say this is compared it eve online its not free to dual box until you get good at making money. Whereas here it is free to dual box, no hindrances and because you can make 2 accounts with one email I don't see an issue. Obviously the only problem with my definition view is that then people will just make an endless number of accounts by creating more emails but, one thing that I know that balances that out is the fact that it gets to the point it can actually slow progression to a degree past say 3 accounts, reason I say this is because if you have more than 3 you have to play each account individually making it inefficient and therefore doesn't really benefit from dual boxing. Basically I am saying 2-3 accounts would end up being a meta and no one is unable to do that. But if there are people who cannot do this because of say issues like a OS like mac or linux is unable to do it because it gives a very clear and unfair advantage, then I would not like this to be allowed. I guess it is very similar to the argument of should speed running johto be allowed and I think you know which side of the coin I prefer on this topic.

  9. 152368 Of course it is unfair as a duel boxer can make progress a lot faster, has twice the income, twice the rate of catching Pokemon.


    Obviously the more accounts one uses the bigger the advantage becomes, its with every online game. PRO will be no exception to this.

    I suppose my definition of unfair is different to yours. But no you do present a good argument and I entirely agree. Don't worry I have nothing against your view, I only posted it to see what people think/ know it if is allowed. I have run dual boxing in other games and I know its advantages (eve online for example). But yeah, if anything I think I'd like to see what people think and also see whether or not people who play they game want it to be a thing or not.

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