@iwinatlife : I don't think the same guild would control every region, there's way too much powerhouses and the limit of a guild is 75 members. a lot of them got strong members, and the system is designed so that you can actually take out a guild every now and then, it is meant to rotate, so it's not the only ones always controlling.
(As i said : you can't change your guild league team, it'll be [glow=red]locked[/glow] you'll have to stick with it is during [glow=green]2 weeks[/glow], and a [glow=red]48 hours cooldown[/glow] for every member to try again the challenge: so people can actually send members, it would have a really interesting "[glow=yellow]raid & strategies[/glow]" aspect . Hell... we could even create alliances, [glow=yellow]share & sell of infos, datas..[/glow] , it could be HUGE.
@Shamac Thanks a lot, i have a lot of ideas and procedures i didn't explain in details, so if you need any more infos, you can pm me or directly ask.
Thanks a lot for everyone's support, i really appreciate it.
I really hope the project makes it out.