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  1. Hi, i just released a Valentine Budew Silver server ID: 32202343
  2. Thank you for your answer. I'm sorry to insist, but i'm quite sure there is a problem with the new system. I'm familiar with both the previous and the new system, since the new is similar to the sync system we can find in PokeOne. I did another test to confirm that Synchronize doesn't work as intended. Position 1: dead Jolly Sychronize Position 2: living Impish Parasect I caught 20 pokemons in route 1: 9 of them are Impish 11 of them have a random nature 0 is Jolly A friend from my guild did the same test. Position 1: dead Modest Sync Position 2: living Bold Ralts He caught 9 pokemons in Route 210 North: 8 were Bold 1 had a random nature 0 is Modest My conclusion is that yes, synchronize does work. But the nature the wild pokemon gets is not the same as the dead sync pokemon on Position 1: its the same as the pokemon in Position 2. Maybe the sample of pokemons is not great enough, but i really think you should ask the testers to check the Sync mechanics. I hope my english was correct, and that i made myself clear. Kind Regards
  3. Hi, I think there is a problem with the new Sync system. My pokemon in 1st position is a dead sassy sync Kadabra. The second is my impish parasect. I caught 15 pokemons, Tangela first, then Pidgey and Rattata route. 11 of them were impish. If i'm not wrong, the wild pokemon takes the 2nd pokemon's nature, not the dead sync's nature. Syncronize is transferred to the pokemon that first appears on the field.
  4. Hi, My opponent (and I) had a bug because he switched his lead at the last moment before the fight. He led with a Nidokingn that i killed turn 1. I could see 1 dead pokémon in its team. Then a second Nidoking appeared on the field. It died instantly, even though i didnt attack it. I could see 2 dead pokémon in its team. I pmed him, he told me he already had that bug: he switched his lead at the last moment, willing to start with Torkoal. Then, he told me he couldnt switch into his Torkoal, as if it was dead, couldnt click on it. After a moment he tried to switch again, and Torkoal was alive. But i still could see 2 dead pokes, even though i killed only one. During the whole game, he had 1 more dead than the number i killed. He sacked all his pokémons, and while i could see 6 deaths, his chansey was still alive.
  5. 1m4
  6. Hi, I'm against Cynthia at the Battle Tower. Her Skarmory used Taunt, but my Azumarill could still use Belly Drum. I'm now at +6. 3 turns after, the message saying that taunt was off appeared.
  7. Arkos Diggersby: EQ and Fire punch 33k, a Corphish, and 39 Summer points. Forretress and Conkeldurr did the job.
  8. Can I register two Pokémon of the same species for the Tournament, like a timid and a modest Chandelure? As long as I don't use both in the same team.
  9. Username: Letsgo Server: Silver Easter propositions: Luvdisc (maybe for Valentine's day), Drifloon, Vanillite
  10. That was the problem: [spoiler=Dashboard] But the problem is solved. Changing the password through the forum "Password and security" was useless. However, using the link: Q: I've already merged both my Red and Blue account but I'm still getting an "Invalid Password" error! What do I do?! A: If you have already merged your data for the Silver server and get an "Invalid Password" error when logging in, please go ahead and change your password here, ensuring that it is alphanumerical. gave me access to the Dashboard, (which i could't get through PRO Home page) to change the password. I could merge my accounts. I then changed the password again, and could log into silver.
  11. Letsgo


    Nope, was nerfed.
  12. I'm sorry to be insistent, but i really have no clue. The only place I can log in is here, the forum. Which can be fun, but not as much as the game can be ;)
  13. Hi again, After reading some other posts, i tried many things. My password was alphanumerical, but i changed it anyways, then i opened the Dashboard with ie and chrome instead of firefox, i erased the cookies... but did nothing. I can't log in to the Dashboard so i can't merge my accounts and play silver, but i can't play gold neigher. I need some help please.
  14. Hi, Since the merge, i can log in to the PRO forum, but not to the Dashboard. I tried severel times to change my password, and yet that doesn't works. When i try to log in to the Dashboard, it says: "Invalid Username or Password." which are the same i use now to post this message... Problem is, i can't merge red and blue, and even though i downloaded the new client, i can't play. What should I do?
  15. Hi, Route 213, there is a Big Pearl here, bottom right corner of the map: [spoiler=Picture] And another Big Pearl route 224 [spoiler=Big Pearl route 224] And 2 HP Ups Route 230 [spoiler=2 HP Ups route 230]
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