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  1. im interested in the mild dragonite, 250k is ok with you?
  2. how much are both whimsicott?
  3. i need a choice scarf
  4. do you sell choice scarf?
  5. hello, i want to build a solid team but i dont know how to build a good one, i have a good sand team but i want something else, any good team with fairly easy pokes to hunt would be appreciated but not necessary. Thank you and have a good day :D
  6. im kinda new to pvp and i want a solar team but i dont know what to use. I have a charmander: timid, ha, hp ice that i caught while hunting for hallo pokes. any suggestions would be awesome. Ty and have a awesome day :D
  7. and i lost my consecutive wins too :c
  8. pumpking king just finished cooldown and when i was about to fight him he skipped the fight and said better luck next time and now i cant fight him for 11 days. any way i can fight him without waiting those 11 days? thank you
  9. ● What's your Name/IGN? Mulumunino0210/Daniel ● Are you active in Discord? Yes, if im home ill be on disc ● Where are you from? Venezuela ● What's your playtime?/How often do you play PRO? 420+h/ everyday ● What's your goal in PRO? to get better at pvp, get high on ladder ● Why do you want to be part of Chaos? a member of the guild and friend told me about it and i wanna be part of this great community ● What's your favorite Pokemon and why? suicune because when i saw it in the anime when i was a kid i fell in love with it haha ● What's your favorite animal and why? cats beause they are awesome @.@
  10. dale perfecto gracias estoy conectado ahorita
  11. hols me gustaria estar en su clan nombre mulumunino0210 ya estoy conectado
  12. Update Nidoking sold, Nidoqueen available
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