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Everything posted by Lxnightshadexl

  1. Hello All! I Just had an amazing victory against the Elite Four of Kanto and Gary. It was my fourth try at the elite 4, the first and second times I got stopped by the Ghost one, the third I had made it thru lance but then found out about Gary, and was wiped out quickly. But this time was different, I glided past the first 2 with no casualties, but I took heavy loses between Lance and the ghost one. After defeating Lance, I had only 1 pokemon left, my lvl 91 Garchomp. I had no revives and only 1 max heal. I knew Gary was up next, I tried looking thru my bag for items that could help. I had exactly 9 Rare Candies. So I used em all. Garchomp was now lvl 100, already my best pokemon but now he was way better. I had no choice but to continue to Gary and fight him Head on with only my Garchomp. It was as if fate was on my side, I took out his Pigeot, Alakazam and Rhydon all with a one-shot Dragon Claw, I used Dig against Acranine and Exeggutor. I was lucky that I had no type disadvantages. But then Blastoise appeared. I was half dead with no items, Garchomp being a ground* type had a disadvantage against Blastoise's water types moves. with a combination of attacks and extreme luck, I was able to whittle the Blastoise down its last bar. I then finished it off with a Dragon Claw attack. And so my Garchomp had single-handedly defeated Gary. I honestly wish I could have recorded this legendary battle.
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