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Everything posted by Riddoe

  1. lol 20k
  2. start
  3. sry only saw it now can you go online now?
  4. Price for serperior and sceptile?
  5. ign: riddoe age:18 discord: Esarms#6720 havent played regular pvp but am 266 in random not sure if that counts for the 100 rating requirement
  6. Start 100k
  7. 250k
  8. sold
  9. Im not able to go on right now will pm when i can
  10. @Kierm won with 2.2m
  11. Noted 15 mins left
  12. 1 hour left
  13. 6hrs left
  14. 12 hours and 23 mins left
  15. Noted
  16. 24 hours left
  17. Noted
  18. noted
  19. 1.6m in-game
  20. 48 hrs left
  21. noted ty
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