/Pokemon <Pokemon Name>, <Level>, <1 for shiny 01 for normal>
note : Pokemons can be megas as well, IE : /Pokemon Mega Charizard X, 120, 1
Note level cap : 120
/Move <Map name> (ask me the map names when you want to tele somewhere)
/Go <Playername> : Teleport to the player
/Call <Playername :Teleport the player to your location
/Force <up, down, right, left>, <square> IE : /force down, 5 to move down 5 squares.
/Item <itemname>, <quantity> IE : /item boulder badge, 1 | /item masterball, 999
/teach <pokemon slot>, <move> IE : Teach 1, judgment = Magikarp learned judgment.
Click F2 while ingame and type "staffspeed fast" to accelarate your speed.