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Everything posted by Ashnl

  1. heey and welcome to pokemon revolution :Grin:
  2. Re: Necromancers Guild is looking for new souls <r><QUOTE author="SangkuJung"><s> </e></QUOTE> thanks mate <E>:Grin:</E></r>
  3. [glow=red]Guild created by[/glow] [glow=green]AshNL[/glow] [glow=red]Co Leader[/glow] [glow=green]IgneelDragneel[/glow] [glow=red]What is the purpose of the guild[/glow] - First of all! Have fun </COLOR> - Help each other out when needed <i></i> </COLOR> - Trade and battle if you want <i></i> </COLOR> - Hunting pokemon together <i></i> - Guild Events <i></i> </B> [glow=red]you'll get a awesome emblem of our guild's mascott[/glow] <i></i> [glow=red]And you wil get your own guild signature to put under your originally banner[/glow] <COLOR color="#00BF00">[glow=red]Our Requirements[/glow] <i></i> - Minimal 50h ingame time <i></i> - Be friendly (do not curse) - Age does not matter <i></i> <COLOR color="#FFFFFF"> - [glow=green]DJMaye[/glow]
  4. they could implement this in the up coming hoenn patch :Grin: we can always hope right :P
  5. heey and welcome to pokemon revolution if u always need answers just commend the help box in game there's no such thing as stupid questions :Grin:
  6. heey welcome to pokemon revolution :Smile: nice to have u here
  7. Welcome to the forums :D and hope u enjoy a good time in pokemon revolution :Cool:
  8. welcome to pokemon revolution :Smile:
  9. heey welcome to pokemon revolution :Cool: nice to have u here
  10. heey welcome the forums and hope to u soon the game :Smile:
  11. heey sup welcome to pokemon revolution
  12. heey welcome hope to enjoy your stay here in pokemon revolution :Cool:
  13. Ashnl

    new here

    please be patience normally it would take take them up to 10 - 30 minutes, but if they don't know the source then some times it would take longer then expected :Grin: https://www.shadowfied.com/prostatus/ <--- admin needs to confirm my link other wise u can look it up go to google typ in pokemon pro server status it should be the first link u see
  14. u have my vote :y: :Cool:
  15. hello welcome to pokemon revolution i hope u enjoy your stay here :D :Cool:
  16. there is no need to put it in your action bar just let it in your bag, and u can cut all the trees u want at least that's how it works for me :Cool:
  17. heeey welcome to the forums enjoy your stay on pro :Grin:
  18. welcome to pro and hope to see u soon in the game :D :Cool:
  19. Welcome to the forums and hope to see u ingame :Cool:
  20. u can always make a screenshot of your paypal transaction, send it the dev i know from my experience i never had this problem.
  21. Welcome to pro enjoy your stay
  22. +1 on this topic it would be nice to see your own guild emblem so u can turn it on or off. Like in most games mmorpg i know u can turn your in game name on and of
  23. the whole scene on the bridge
  24. 24
  25. Welcome enjoy ur stay hope to see u soon in game :Cool:
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