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  1. I'm getting your messages on the chat but we are just unable to be online at the same time it seems :( I tried a different thing now that I had a bit more time. Can you go to the map where Tabitha is again? Make sure you pass through the room's entrance. That should put your quest to before you battled Tabitha. Since it is very difficult to solve my problem and I do not want to bother you anymore I had an idea I will create a new account and you would pass my items and pokemons to her, I will not care in zera the game again I just want to play again soon, I liked it too much Of the game and I do not want to stop playing so soon, so if I can do it, I'll thank you so much !!!
  2. Ok, you have to understand that you and me do not necessarily have the same times. Your night might be my morning or vice versa. Ok, something else, can you just stay in the live chat when you are online? I understand that our time zone is different and I apologize for demanding too much, I'm so I lost the clone event
  3. Ok, you have to understand that you and me do not necessarily have the same times. Your night might be my morning or vice versa. Ok, something else, can you just stay in the live chat when you are online? I'm in the chat
  4. This is not a number... I will be around for the next couple hours after 1 hour. Ping me if you come to the live chat I'll be online tonight, but how do I converse with you? Your nickname in the game?
  5. No that's not possible. When will you be online? Include the timezone please. Usually the night almost at dawn, is online now?
  6. Ok I changed a few things. Could you go to the room of Groudon again? Sorry for the late reply. I did not have internet the past few days. Did not work, I'm still trapped, can you just take the npc from the front of the team aqua tunnel?
  7. Okay, when I get home, I'll see that, if it's resolved, thank you in advance. Unfortunately the same thing continues, the npc did not appear in the cave and neither the npc that is in the door of the tunel of the aqua team disappeared
  8. Okay, when I get home, I'll see that, if it's resolved, thank you in advance.
  9. It did not work, I showed it to a gm he said he has no tools to help me When it defeats the last npc of the cave team magma automatically adds the npc that is in front of the tunnel of aqua team, but as it bugou and did not register that I defeated the npc of the cave of the team magma, the npc continues in front of the tunel of team aqua
  10. It did not work, I showed it to a gm he said he has no tools to help me
  11. Get to talk to a GM and he will move to a script that will try to solve it, thanks for the attention Do you know the script of this game? I was already supposed to have contacted him
  12. Get to talk to a GM and he will move to a script that will try to solve it, thanks for the attention
  13. The problem is that I do not have to go to battle with team aqua
  14. The 1 week ago I defeated the last npc of the cavernda of team magma soon after the server (red) fell, when it flew did not register that I defeated it and I can not follow in hoenn since then. Already ask for help to many people and this was the last alternative I had. Please help me! :Frown: :Frown:
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