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Everything posted by Quachhuy

  1. now I feel synchronize too low. We want synchro be increased. if not increase , then we will not do anything :confused: :confused: :confused:
  2. https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_s-xclick&hosted_button_id=3E57KHNFJGJNN&custom=quachhuy
  3. i need 100 coin buy mount 100 coin price 250k poke$ (monney ingame) Please sell me 100 coin :thanks: :thanks: :thanks:
  4. Will better balance with Heal Bell because I see mainly Blissey Cures the entire party of major status effects so i need 1 tutor. And I think this is one of things should have: (Move) Heal bell Wish Pursuit (Ability) Arena trap Serene Grace :thanks: :thanks: :y:
  5. I would like to register. [iGN: Quachhuy] [Timezone: GMT+7]
  6. end time : 28/november2015 (UTC 10:00) name game: quachhuy https://postimg.org/image/ebhu3sfrv/
  7. thanhtuan14 use and sell vesition auto
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