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  1. What is your discord tag? Dkiddeh#1651 Hof often do you use discord? Daily, 4 to 6 hours a day. If you could improve pro's discord with one suggestion what would it be? Remove the level locks, and maybe a voice channel per server? (Red, Yellow, Blue) ?
  2. Hello co-pokemon trainers! I would like to suggest a ingame PC overhaul. I'm sure enough people are annoyed by the pc system as it works this current day. So i'm wondering if staff would consider / working on a solution. For example: - Select by region - Store pokemon in a box we can choose, so it doesn't automaticly puts it in the "first spot available" - Store search option with partial names etc. etc. etc. I would like to hear your opinion on the matter (Players, Staff.. anyone really}. With kind regards, Damy92 / Dkiddeh
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