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Posts posted by Amitmehra

  1. Hello , I wanna say that .. I think u should remove ,,3x TM100 - Overheat, 3x TM61 - Sunny Day, Smooth Rock from Entei guatdian,, (other 2 guardian too) and put any other good and usable things there . He is a Legendary Guardian and he should be differ from other bosses. Its really frustrating if u beat him twice and thrice and u got these stupid items there all the time. I recently beat him 3 Time but Again says havnt money and he give this cheap 3x Overheat TM which makes totally frustrating me . So i think These TMs or Smooth rock should be removed from there and put another good and usable thing in their place . It makes Guardians more than other bosses .

  2. Hello I m selling my epic aggron , sun's team bellossom (hp fire) and Leafeon


    - All 3 Pokes are insta

    - CC ( Coin capsule) accepted as 300k



    AGGRON : 300K ,,






    LEAFEON - S.O 400K ,,




    All pokes are PVP Ready . PM ME in GAME : Amitmehra // Discord : AmiYmehra#2473


    And thank u for VIEW ..




  3. other question:

    1). I recently check my cooldowns from extra cooldown checker, and there was 4 option.. BCC, Battle tower, Underground and transit pass.

    So I wanna know that what is it transit pass ... It shows " ur transit pass will expire after 14 days" something. So what is it?


    And last this is imp.

    2). What is that Mysterical ticket in PvP store? Can u give me some information about it.

  4. -1 why hunting then? Would kill the game completely




    Its not killing games. Its makes the game more enjoyable because having some good pokes makes game enjoyable. If have a poke with epic ivs but nature are making me sad. So we should have a chance to rechange it. I m not saying that NPC works all the time but after 60 days or mpre. This type of includement makes game some advance or pro.

  5. How to destroy the economy 101 right here, -1 from me



    Not destroying eco.. Well I m not done yet..

    I wanna also suggest that :

    It also should be used once. I mean it should have a cooldown like 60 days or more if u want. Simply after using once the cool down sets for 60days . so its saves the value of hunting too .. Because nobody wants to wait for 60days for single pokes for nature and ability changer and its extremely random. So players also can do there hunting as well.

  6. Hello ..I want to suggest that game should add a NPC who change the pokes ability or nature. " Yeah I mean ability and nature changer NPC " . It would be great if this type NPC added in game. Now I m telling how should works it .

    It should works random nature or ability for single poke ( Non-legendory).

    And its price should not more than 50k for per using .

    Hidden ability's chance should 10%-20%.


    Why: Because we have many pokes with good ivs and stats but their nature and ability makes them trash or unusable .so It would be better if this type of NPC is also including on this game.

    Thanks you

  7. Hello,, I m looking for best guild. I recently left 2 guild. My first guild time period is almost 4-5 months and the 2nd guild time period is 2 months almost .In both guild there too much inactive players even leader and officers also unactive. They appears only 1 day in a months and no any events or talking in guild chat , so I left them . Now I m looking for active guide . If someone wants an active player in their guild then please invite me ..XD.. I play at least 6-7 h per day. So any guild who need active member then please invites me .

    Playtime: 780+ hours

    IGN : Amitmehra

    Discord: AmiyMehra#2473


  8. Hello ,, i want to buy lvl up service for chansey. Now it is lvl 25 and i need it to lvl 95. I can pay 50-60k only . so if anyone sell lvl up service then please pm me in game or can message me in Discord.


    IGN: Amitmehra

    Discord: AmiyMehra#2473


    Thank u

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