What is your in game name?
- GnWatch
What server?
- Yellow
How old are you?
- 26
How many gameplay hours and badges do you have?
Currently 25 hours, 7 Badges (Kanto) and training for 8th Gym
Do you use discord?
- Yes
What is your ingame hobby(farming, selling, pvp, collecting etc)?
- Getting used to the game, further than probably shiny hunting and raising some money to be able to trade properly.
Why would you like to be in team magma?
- I´d like to join Team Magma since you do not have your main view on PVP, so that´s a plus in my eyes since i´m not really used to PvP. Besides, Team Magma sounds better than other Guild names around on the Yellow Server.
For further questions feel free to invite me to your discord.