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Everything posted by Gnwatch

  1. Greetings. Current problem: I get stuck everytime i change locations. I can get rid of that by alt+tab (no other thing works). But since I have to alt+tab everytime i change locations (stop house, pkmn center, other areas) this game is just a pain to play. Is there a way I can get rid off that problem? battles etc work fine, it´s just the changing to another area It worked fine for a week, this is the first time I encounter this problem What i tried already: Alt+Tab (Helps until i hit the next area) Restart Client (Run as Admin) (does not help), getting stuck after login Relogg (does not help) PVP Match (did not help) /ref / /refresh (nothing happens) Reboot pc Restarting my Internet connection Resetting IPconfig + flush dns Game is running compatibility Win7, exceptions for firewall+antivir made It does not occure on mobile Version (with the same internet connection)
  2. What is your in game name? - GnWatch What server? - Yellow How old are you? - 26 How many gameplay hours and badges do you have? Currently 25 hours, 7 Badges (Kanto) and training for 8th Gym Do you use discord? - Yes What is your ingame hobby(farming, selling, pvp, collecting etc)? - Getting used to the game, further than probably shiny hunting and raising some money to be able to trade properly. Why would you like to be in team magma? - I´d like to join Team Magma since you do not have your main view on PVP, so that´s a plus in my eyes since i´m not really used to PvP. Besides, Team Magma sounds better than other Guild names around on the Yellow Server. For further questions feel free to invite me to your discord.
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