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Everything posted by Jaccard1

  1. Nice work :O U can make me on signaure Image: Charmander Test: The Nabs Guild (or only The Nabs) :Heart:
  2. Re: 4º Torneo Interno *The Nabs* > Offensive Meta <r>Torneo Iniciado : <URL url="https://challonge.com/es/thenabs4">https://challonge.com/es/thenabs4</URL></r>
  3. Congrats for ur dex. (? Are you suggesting that we have to be passive and if we consider that something is important to the evolution of the game we should not say it .. ?? It may be considered, as it may not .. as you yourself say, "you dont know", so there is no other. Does the post upset you? You prefer not to be written If so, simply dont enter.
  4. I appreciate your attempt to "help" and believe that you are an administrator. But...Do you know if I read that? For your information I have already read it. Nowhere does he mention that it is forbidden to make a suggestion. Secondly, I think it is not too much to mention some things that can sometimes go unnoticed. If you do not contribute better stay silent.
  5. added :Smile:
  6. Hi guys More than a suggestion, it is a request. I know they have a lot of work to do, but it would be prudent to be able to introduce the remaining evolutions of some pokémon obtainable that still can not be evolved. Mantyke Tyrogue (chan & lee) Burmy Regards :Shy:
  7. Re: 4º Torneo Interno *The Nabs* > Offensive Meta <r><QUOTE author="arturo1007"><s> </e></QUOTE><br/> <br/> <QUOTE author="Chicho0"><s> </e></QUOTE><br/> <br/> Oko, los 2 adentro</r>
  8. Re: 4º Torneo Interno *The Nabs* > Offensive Meta <t>Registro de TheDemmon<br/> <br/> Walrein-Tyranitar-Garchomp-Togekiss-Gengar-Gliscor-Gyarados-Weavile-Salamance</t>
  9. Re: 4º Torneo Interno *The Nabs* > Offensive Meta <t>Inscripción de Dtorresg007<br/> <br/> Scizor - Ludicolo - electivire - tyranitar - hydreigon - medicham - gyarados - magmortar - azumarril</t>
  10. For admins: Translate: In truth it would be good to accelerate the texts of PvP or PVM, since with the current speed is quite boring, because if it increases the speed from the options of the dialogs does not accelerate the text. I await your opinions.
  11. Re: Jaccard1 PvP Insta Shop [26-02] Conkeldurr Added <r>Bumpp <E>:Smile:</E></r>
  12. Re: 4º Torneo Interno *The Nabs* > Offensive Meta <r><B><s></s>Registro de Rodrigoba<e></e></B><br/> <br/> galvantula - donphan - arcanine - gyarados - togekiss - starmie - machamp - volcarona - lanturn</r>
  13. Re: 4º Torneo Interno *The Nabs* > Offensive Meta <r><QUOTE author="Rosemary"><s> </e></QUOTE><br/> Te dejo el primer lugar ahora ya! xd</r>
  14. Re: 4º Torneo Interno *The Nabs* > Offensive Meta <r><QUOTE author="Woololoo"><s> </e></QUOTE> <br/> <br/> jajaja que mierda??<e> </e></QUOTE><br/> Impish battle armor con eviolite (? okna xd me equivoque xD</r>
  15. gl bro :P The nabs power :Heart:
  16. Re: wts epic adam defiant bisharp <r>2,8m <E>:y:</E></r>
  17. Re: 4º Torneo Interno *The Nabs* > Offensive Meta <t>Mi team<br/> <br/> Cloyster - Magnezone - Rhyperior - Poliwrath - Galvantula - Aerodactyl - Azumarril - Conkeldurr - Weavile</t>
  18. Re: Jaccard1 PvP Insta Shop [26-02] Conkeldurr Added <t>Bumppp</t>
  19. Re: Jaccard1 PvP Insta Shop [26-02] Conkeldurr Added <r><QUOTE author="mrl3IG"><s> </e></QUOTE><br/> im online atm, pm when u are</r>
  20. Re: 4º Torneo Interno *The Nabs* > Offensive Meta <r><QUOTE author="needleman1458"><s> </e></QUOTE><br/> <br/> Gracias nab, ahi agregue.</r>
  21. Re: Jaccard1 PvP Insta Shop [26-02] Conkeldurr Added <r>bump <E>:boot:</E></r>
  22. Re: Enforcer's shop. update 02/26/17 <t>check discord or inbox pls :)</t>
  23. Re: Jaccard1 PvP Insta Shop [26-02] New Added <t>Epic conkeldurr Added</t>
  24. Re: Jaccard1 PvP Insta Shop [26-02] New Added <t>New Added 26-02</t>
  25. Re: ۞ The Nabs ۞ [Red Server] *Nuevos Miembros* *4º Torneo Interno* <r><ALIGN align="center"><s>[align=center]</s><GLOW glow="green"><s>[glow=green]</s><SIZE size="150"><s></s>4º Torneo Interno: Registros Abiertos<e></e></SIZE><e>[/glow]</e></GLOW><e>[/align]</e></ALIGN></r>
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