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Everything posted by Zaga

  1. Zaga

    Cant login

    The coder is fairly quick to jump on it maybe 5-10 minutes after a crash/ However, it's on now so if you can't get on it's your end.
  2. I've seen a couple ones thrown around, like reaper cloth, metal coat etc. Unfortunately, not all items are coded yet, as i need a protector to evolve my rhydon to a rhyperior. With stuff like this it's not high priority, with only one coder he needs to focus on the game-related issues hindering people from playing. Moves, abilities, & items need to backseat when it comes to a beta and fall under the category of polish.
  3. Zaga

    Cant login

    Here's a quote from a previous thread, patience is a virtue in situations like this.
  4. I assume english is not your first language so i'll try make this simple. You're far away from the server, meaning it takes longer for things to happen. Even if you clicked it and nothing happened, the server still registered it as a click. So what you've done is free'd one pokemon, then clicked the second pokemon not realising you have because you lagged, causing you to click the accept button again. This is not a bug or a computer problem, it's lag and player error. As for having the pokemon spawned in, that's for a staff member to decided. BOL mate
  5. The host is sketchy at best. Considering the amount of players this game has for a beta, i assume that the server is going over its memory limit causing it to crash, needing a full reboot to reset the memory. As for the "already logged on" part, that means the server is back up, but it hasn't been rebooted so it still registers you as playing.
  6. You only need to post once, if your intent was to "Bump" a simple post stating that would suffice. As for this, i've posted this before but the game is in a beta stage and this qualifies as polish work. You may need to wait a while until the major kinks are worked out before they give all moves/abilites and such the once over.
  7. The game's still in a BETA, so things like this are more under the polish category. They're still working out bugs, updating various things and (i hope) working on a more stable host. As simple as a fix might be, you may need to wait a while for a problem like this with no immediate hindrances game-wise to be fixed.
  8. How's it going, My names Zaga. I've never really bothered making one of these threads since i tend to play by myself on a server, but this ones different. I've already gotten various people i know to come play the server, as we're all in Australia i don't think there are many of us. I've been playing pokemon practically all my life (I'm 19), but i've never played the meta, or with more than one person. I've played a multitude of servers, mainly sticking to rsps' in my younger days and later moving to minecraft servers. They've kept me entertained for a year or two, but then i'd lose interest as it get's stale being the richest player and move on to something else. I've been a staff member on pretty much every server i've put more than a month into, even co-run/managed staff a few that might still be around today. Ideally i'd like to become a staff member here and represent us Aussies so we'll see how things go. At the moment, i currently play CoD competitively on a site call au.cybergamer.com which is practically an Australian version of gamebattles that has been around for 6 or so years. That's where alot of people i have gotten invovled in this project have come from, and i assume more are to follow. I guess that's enough rambling for now, if you made it this far kudos to you as i'm writing this at 5am my time. Cheers for reading, Zaga.
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