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Posts posted by Mayelesa

  1. 272492
    267452 IGN: B4dingooo

    Pokemon: Corsola

    EV train: 252 def |252 hp |6 spdef

    Move keep: -

    Rush order: yes


    For level up service

    Current Level: 27

    Final Level: 90

    Evolve at level: -

    Move keep: -



    hey, was wondering if could get my corsola, i think its been 5 days now and i payed rush order so im wondering :)!

    Hi your order is already done, please contact with Sovereignx when you online, he in hold your order. The information of your order:

    SoVeReiGnX - Last Sunday finished at 9:29 PM

    Corsola LV27 252DEF|252HP|6 SPDEF + LV90 - B4dingooo 183k - Taken by Sovereignx [paid] [RUSH]

  2. 270897 I've noticed so many people whining about ms prices and some end up quitting the game due to failure in accomplishing needed cash to comply for the prices on markets.


    I've also noticed some people are buying MS in bulks, like "wtb MS 10x 3m" and end up reselling it for higher prices. Thus my proposal is, how about make MS a trade-able only for once. Or twice atleast. Maybe to moderate the inflation?


    At the moment, i see no problem based on my perspective. I would be pleased to know yours.

    It is not relevant.... it not about buy bundle or not, it is about open economic and retail sale is suitable....

    You can look the reason in here too https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/viewtopic.php?f=18&t=47105

  3. I want keep current system. It is very frustration if changing to give away pokemon easy as I am PvE, I enjoy farm and sell it. If pokemon can get easy, nothing called market, because no one want buy my pokemon as everyone can get it. Trade chat die soon, MMO game become single player, or Smogon time. It can fun at begin, but after that nothing keep me to the game. I have nothing to do, PvP? Mehh, if that I will play some special for only PvP rather than. I am fan of RPG and hunting is the part of it. Loot should be hard to get, if it easy.... you want destroy my fun? T_T

  4. Your whole point only for proved that it need to heal after each e4 battle, which all points is really not concern anything related to suggestion. In short, you only want to make saving the money for items in E4. As the result, you point is invalid and not reliable as not relevant. If you want more static layout, go into PvP. It is advantage of fast sweeper, which you said is nothing called is tactics. Don't tell me that you cannot using staller as need using potions is unbalance. Per E4 have weakness so if you want more tactics, seeking and abusing about it. You free using 1 pokemon for per E4 basing on the weakness of them. Even in original game, it also don't heal per E4 battle, which need to brings back up items. Also it is money sink hole feature in MMO game. Your WoT just make me think, why you write so long with the invalid and not related to your main suggestion "after each e4 battle your whole team gets healed up"?


    Here is the guides you maybe want to look: https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/viewtopic.php?t=24239&start=40 and https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/viewtopic.php?f=122&t=25330 as I see they discussion to some alternative team also. One more thing, the PvP and PvE is different, also in PvP people also use fast sweeper. I will recommend you pass the whole story first and then focus on build PvP, it is your choice, your style. Talking about waste money for items heal and revive is very invalid in PvE/story, which these items only can use to that. PvP don't use these items. And E4 is part of PvE/story.

  5. 258544 Hi, i think im not the only one who always run out of Lum Berrys or other items, i feel like if an item is activated in PvP, at the end of the PvP u should still have the item, if that would work we could also be seeing a much larger range of pvp tactics, like focus sash being used.

    Appriciate the comments, and the game.



    It just make economic and boss reward ruin... why because for example you only need only every item consumption PvP fo the whole life. And then others will never using or just waste or sell... But how you can sell if everyone only need 6 per item consumption.

    258547 I would love the option to buy lum berries in game bulk. Similar to the guy who sells pokeballs in bulk.

    This suggestion is better <3

  6. 255203
    Punishments not always come from after. So if have the first case (which never happen before) in court, the criminal will be innocent? Your state is wrong in real case.

    And write your thesis please. I need to see your point in your thesis too.



    go for it

    Did you know that in laws department and also academic study, wikipedia is the trash source and not acceptable? Please write your own thesis with your argument, not copy paste from some where. If you not know how to structure, let me help 3 core point:


    Literature review



    You just make me sad when I though you have great view to that area.....

    P/s: even reference also not acceptable to wikipedia source also.

  7. 255194
    [so internet mean distinguish to community and ethics factor? Human is main factor for using internet, and any related to human will always have community and ethics factors.

    You totally don't know why rule have, and how rule establish indeed. Let say your example,

    NO cursing or keeping chat and forum PG in rule. Okay, so now we swear to other player, and then when GM banned you. You said "Hey, it not have rules for that, unbanned me!"

    So let say, you will be first banned as it not suitable for community and ethics factors. And then after that, GM write the rules to that. Make sense. That how people make rules, rule not come from nowhere, rule come from the things happen and practices.


    I will not say that GM do right, but the way you discussion just wrong.

    You do not get hung for crimes before laws.


    You're argument has no merit what so ever, punishments come after not before. I could literally write a thesis on how its not the case.

    "Rules always has somewhere not fullfil, and as real case, when the first illegal happen, people evaluation/punished it and then adding/adjust the rules"

    Punishments not always come from after. So if have the first case (which never happen before) in court, the criminal will be innocent? Your state is wrong in real case.

    And write your thesis please. I need to see your point in your thesis too.

  8. 255175

    So we just find something not write yet in rule, and exploit it?

    The rule was implemented through the principle of ethics and also change overtime basing on the changing of community. Similar why rules of government has been implemented and changed overtime. Rules always has somewhere not fullfil, and as real case, when the first illegal happen, people evaluation/punished it and then adding/adjust the rules. That is the way of improving...

    Let's say why we have rules? What rule based on? This is not based on the community and ethics factors?

    So let say, if the rule not said "insult people will be banned", you have right to insult people?

    I'm not sure where you realize you are. This is the internet. If there is no rule listed people will do whatever they please. If admins don't approve, they will create a rule to prevent such behavior.


    EX: No cursing or keeping chat and forums PG


    If that rule did not exist people would be cursing all the time. . . Using common sense ofc would suggest that you should definitely NOT harass someone and verbally abuse them. Same could go for abusing an UNFINISHED pvp system. But again, the above rule I used as an example is actually listed in the rules.. so it goes without saying that a rule stating you can be banned for INTENTIONALLY leaving a pvp match to deny the opponent a coin should also be implemented.

    So internet mean distinguish to community and ethics factor? Human is main factor for using internet, and any related to human will always have community and ethics factors.

    You totally don't know why rule have, and how rule establish indeed. Let say your example,

    NO cursing or keeping chat and forum PG in rule. Okay, so now we swear to other player, and then when GM banned you. You said "Hey, it not have rules for that, unbanned me!"

    So let say, you will be first banned as it not suitable for community and ethics factors. And then after that, GM write the rules to that. Make sense. That how people make rules, rule not come from nowhere, rule come from the things happen and practices.


    I will not say that GM do right, but the way you discussion just wrong.

  9. 255180
    So we just find something not write yet in rule, and exploit it?

    The rule was implemented through the principle of ethics and also change overtime basing on the changing of community. Similar why rules of government has been implemented and changed overtime. Rules always has somewhere not fullfil, and as real case, when the first illegal happen, people evaluation/punished it and then adding/adjust the rules. That is the way of improving...

    Let's say why we have rules? What rule based on? This is not based on the community and ethics factors?

    So let say, if the rule not said "insult people will be banned", you have right to insult people?

    And let I say something, you not understand "exploit" and "abuse" as it already write in general rules.

    Exploit what? It's by design.


    Abuse what? The same thing everyone in pvp has "abused" since it started, THERE IS NO FORFEIT BUTTON YOU HAVE TO DC.


    Until they bring in the regulations they should not be enforcing. You like examples how about this.


    You're riding your mount, and now your banned.


    It's not against the rules that you can't ride your mount, but oh well bad luck, you should haven't been doing it.


    A warning and a change in rules would have been applicable, a ban absolutely not.

    Weak example.

    You riding your mount - it not interact to other player, and no ethics issues.

    You d/c battle, winner not get coins - it interact to other player, also have ethic issues.

  10. 255157
    You totally wrong about life is very black and white. It only by the side of perspective, something you think is bad in fact it good, and something look good actually is bad. Another thing, human called opportunists, which top reasons why we can survive comparing to other animals. If you cannot flexible or called "gray areas", you will just see life as black and white.

    This isn't an ethics and sociology forum, it's a straight forward, has an existing rule been broken or not (black or white), and the answer is no.

    So we just find something not write yet in rule, and exploit it?

    The rule was implemented through the principle of ethics and also change overtime basing on the changing of community. Similar why rules of government has been implemented and changed overtime. Rules always has somewhere not fullfil, and as real case, when the first illegal happen, people evaluation/punished it and then adding/adjust the rules. That is the way of improving...

    Let's say why we have rules? What rule based on? This is not based on the community and ethics factors?

    So let say, if the rule not said "insult people will be banned", you have right to insult people?

    And let I say something, you not understand "exploit" and "abuse" as it already write in general rules.

  11. 255151

    Life is not black and white. You forget those who strive for balance, uphold principles, and earn respect. Those who live in the gray areas.


    If you successfully played completely within them, no wrong doing at all. Why were you banned then?

    Uh yes it is. Life is VERY black and white. If you hold a serious job in the workforce then you should realize this. At any job place there are rules to be upheld. There is no "Gray" area amongst them, otherwise employees would just exploit them... People who live in gray areas are called "Opportunists".

    You totally wrong about life is very black and white. It only by the side of perspective, something you think is bad in fact it good, and something look good actually is bad. Another thing, human called opportunists, which top reasons why we can survive comparing to other animals. If you cannot flexible or called "gray areas", you will just see life as black and white.

  12. 255150

    All you said, just make me think "it not in rule, unbanned me!"

    Well because he was banned for something that isn't even listed as a rule? Like wut? Isn't it obvious? It was NEVER stated that D/Cing is against the rules and would be punishable with a BAN. If it were people would never leave a match in progress for fear of being BANNED...

    So if he want appeal, why he not do in proper place? I just think this for make something better/ improving in the future. But seem it not like I expected...

  13. 255140
    This is a very weak argument. We're talking about courtesy here. If you are losing and would like to surrender and stop the fight, just message your opponent to get it over with with a 1-minute sweep. At the end your opponent gets the coin and you gain his respect. Principles and high integrity should be the foundation of every rule.

    It's not an argument, it's black and white, you either break the rules or you haven't and I played completely within them.


    If they want to change them, sure no problem, but banning before then is unjustified as I literally did nothing wrong.

    Life is not about black and white, it gray! And as I said, the things for hurt other player still as "toxic".

    You just make me thinking that you attempt to d/c for behind reasons and it then become appeal rather than discussion for making it better. Why you not suggestion for the improving as Khanum suggestion (positive thing)?

    All you said, just make me think you trying to argument that it not in rule for unbanned reason.

  14. 255136

    It's not toxic behaviour though, if it were a rule, I would never have dcd, but because it's not breaking any rules, I saved myself time and requeued.


    If it were a rule people would stop doing it but its not.


    Completely out of line.


    This is a very weak argument. We're talking about courtesy here. If you are losing and would like to surrender and stop the fight, just message your opponent to get it over with with a 1-minute sweep. At the end your opponent gets the coin and you gain his respect. Principles and high integrity should be the foundation of every rule.


    If you want to be on top at least have the audacity to accept defeat because losing is part of every game. We have to deal with professionally and learn from it as much as we can.



    That's why you don't understand from the PVP players' point of view. These people abuse these things. There's no honor in it.

    Then they should fix it and put an actual leaver penalty in place or at the VERY least announce that it is now bannable. I found out through this thread, like some others have. Instead of just banning people they should have put something in place before ever releasing the pvp rewards. Surely there would have been some foresight that people would just leave upon the realization that they were going to lose.


    And since there was already a post from a GM/ADMIN etc stating that if someone leaves there arent coins AWARDED since its not actually a WIN, they should have also known that people would be leaving to spite them. Common courtesy. If they are going to issue bans they should at least feel they need to make the pvp community aware.


    This is not perma ban we're talking about. The admins give the necessary punishment for each case depending upon the proof and the severity of the situation. And like most players, I trust their sound judgement. It's case to case basis. This is just bandaid solution for the meantime in order to teach a lesson to people who intentionally abuse (note the word INTENTIONALLY). An actual fix would take time. However, you are right that they need to actually give an official statement that would echo to all servers not just the PvP community about bans, bugs, etc. not just here in the forums but a constant system reminder for example.


    255108 How about instead of ripping each other apart, let's collaborate and try to see if there's any suggestions we could make. If you get points for dcs, why can't you get coins? The dcs still count as a win in your w/l so why not give a coin as well? I feel like that would make all of this abuse not matter.


    That solution would be easier to abuse. I can ask a number of friends to queue PVP and boost me by disconnecting immediately and vice versa. That would be worse.

    But you are right this discussion is about healthy conversation no need to attack one another.

    I totally agree with this man!

  15. 255130 Plz make dc also give coins to opponents, problem solved, everyone happy.

    I understand why shane made the mechanic of not giving coin for dc, but seriously, if 2 players intent to "farm" coin via straight win, it might only take them 1mins or 2 per match.

    So, my idea is just make things less complicated. Give coin to d.c or/and add a "FORFEIT" button. Ppl have the right to save their time if they are trapped by gothitelle or being toxic stall..

    Yay, everyone happy, whatever you win/lose, everyone have coins? So why need coins then? Lmao, you just destroy the purpose for win someone T_T I am salty now. Wait, I am not pvp, mehh no salty then.

    About Forfeit button is not wrong, but the idea about win/lose got coins....

  16. 255109 Look I'm not arguing that this shouldn't be bannable. I'm saying there should at least have been a warning. I'm sure there is something in the works that will be implemented so that leavers will get some kind of punishment for not finishing their match. At least I would certainly hope so :Grin:


    Leaving match in itself is not toxic. I don't know where any of you develop that idea. Especially if there was a consequence for leaving, which there isnt. The only reason you view it as toxic is because you don't get coins. However if the player leaving lost coins then things would change. Since he lost out on potential coins he "could" have won depending on the circumstances.

    The idea about lost coins sound good btw.

  17. 255108 How about instead of ripping each other apart, let's collaborate and try to see if there's any suggestions we could make. If you get points for dcs, why can't you get coins? The dcs still count as a win in your w/l so why not give a coin as well? I feel like that would make all of this abuse not matter.

    The point to get coins when disconnect just make worst as people who same group, can attempt to farm coins at the time low people in queued. The best solution are just have penalty as block them to PvP and duration maybe 2 days? So people will not attempt to make d/c.

  18. 255102
    It's a toxic behavior, leaving the match in purpose just so the opponent won't get any coins. Fought several times with this guy and that is what he done.

    It's not toxic behaviour though, if it were a rule, I would never have dcd, but because it's not breaking any rules, I saved myself time and requeued. Something that has been acceptable practice every season before this. I'm sure you have done it many many times too, are you toxic aswell?

    Toxic not only mean verbal or language, it also concern to behaviour and action. The ways you attempt to make hurt to benefits of other players (which block them to get coins that they should got), it also said as Toxic behaviour. It is okay before coin pvp implement, however, it is toxic as hurt to other players (when coin pvp implement). And there are so many topic to know that people not get coins if enemy d/c. So don't say that you don't know about it.


    And as above mention, the rule 3 about toxic behavior is totally right at this case.

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