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♥ Mayelesa Day Care ♥ Pokemon Kanto, Johto and Hoen now
Mayelesa replied to Mayelesa's topic in Service Shops - Silver
Your order will be: Onix = 55k + 15k rush = 70k Rhyhorn = 55k +15k rush = 70k Tentacool = 60k + 15k rush = 75k When you online? -
♥ Mayelesa Day Care ♥ Pokemon Kanto, Johto and Hoen now
Mayelesa replied to Mayelesa's topic in Service Shops - Silver
Yes, we open again Which service you want, you can post in there and we will calculate price and pick up for you. Thanks -
♥ Mayelesa Day Care ♥ Pokemon Kanto, Johto and Hoen now
Mayelesa replied to Mayelesa's topic in Service Shops - Silver
Daycare open again ^^ -
This is a server-side glitch that can happen from time to time. Whenever this occurs, you have to wait until the next server reboot to play again.
The adding to running shoes just make bike and mount less value to players. People will less buy mount and bike if they have running shoes, and if they have bike and mount why they need using shoes? Yup, that's the problem and seem likely useless.....
I doubt this, as event already give many benefits, you get more free place for bundle starter, also having clone version. Now people want get more benefits as Membership....
♥ Mayelesa Day Care ♥ Pokemon Kanto, Johto and Hoen now
Mayelesa replied to Mayelesa's topic in Service Shops - Silver
Updated: We will close service at the moment and will open again after clone event. These order in process will still continuous doing and noticed to customers when it done. Thanks for using our service, -
♥ Mayelesa Day Care ♥ Pokemon Kanto, Johto and Hoen now
Mayelesa replied to Mayelesa's topic in Service Shops - Silver
Hi, if you talk direct to staff, you will not need noticed again in forum ^^ -
S Whiscash hat 75k Hibiscus hat 75k Cyndaquil hat 75k Cyndaquil cloth 75k
Why you want delete account? If you even don't want play this game, just leave it. And they will delete when the time come. There have any reason for this, just curious?
Fair, the reason for being top is that, if everyone can get reward, why we want to go top. And you still get 1 coins each time you win in ranked match, so why mad?
♥ Mayelesa Day Care ♥ Pokemon Kanto, Johto and Hoen now
Mayelesa replied to Mayelesa's topic in Service Shops - Silver
Daycare temporary close for finish order before can take next. Thanks for using our service ^^ -
No no you don't understand or you are new player, or you try to not get my point? (In fact, people only can trade after 4th badge. So let me remind point something obviously: You can free 1 starter (bubasual, charmender or squirtle) You get free fossil + moonstone at mt.silver You can get 1 nuggest = worth 15k at cerulean You can get 1 eevee at celedon city You got many abadoned pokemon (in story process) You got free quest to get pokemon (check in game guide for more detail) You get alot of money when you finish story all More and more thing (so long and why I should tell it if everyone know about it??) only access one times in story of Kanto, Johto and Hoenn. And if wanna keep reset character, I will suggestion need 500 hours+ and 1m for fee to reset if implement then (increase +1m for per reset after).... So it will not make hurt to game, help you have enough time before you try reset, avoid people abuse advantage. The reset thing only sound right if you are the old one, boring and want make new fresh start (after you do 12 times)...
I know your idea, but people can abuse it by using main account and second account (using reset option) for trading all valuable things to main account. And then using second account for farm with the advantage (like I said above). It clear to you now? RPG + MMO game is different by can trading everything. Making reset will make hurt to game. And with 12 times replay, how it is not enough?
I am not sure about that game you said. But thinking about rpg game which many things only available to players once times. Reset it means you can take it over and over (for example: free stater, free nuggest, free leftover, free pokemon, free money, etc). In fact, people can pass through all story with only around 30-40 hours (Hoen too), which only hard at the beginning. After 4th badge, they can trade with main account and go clear story to it so easy. PRO block player up to 4 accounts as they can do it advantage max 4 times only as the reason. Mass account is not allow, and I believe that many people clone account only for take these advantage. Official reset process means you legit them to alternatively way for mass account. P/s: you can play again 4 times in per server and we have 3 server. It means 4x3 = omg!
I don't see why people need to reset as they can up to 4 account per level. It is very much thing enough.... It also make people abuse to take advantage from story again and again. That's reason why PRO avoid people to have many account.
Did you confirm your email yes? And make sure you type in your password in txt so it will help you copy paste for not type wrong in client
Did I see something "silly but not serious" "hacking and botting"..... lol I see something in here....
Ummm, I don't think why we need encounter log. 1. It can make people easily to calculate the spawn rate number of pokemon, which is not recommend in PRO as staff not given these data. 2. You can do by yourself, of course with manual and take more effort as writing by hand. 3. Not important, not impact to playgame and very low priority
It just the visual bug
Sorry to say but i suppose nobody is ever going to give a suggestion again if they are 'trashed' like that. And I play WoW at top20 world level (believe it or not, make a -free- account we can login and you can check yourself), i know a thing or two about MMOs. Rewards must be solid and scale linearly with the difficulty of the fight you are doing. I agree 100% with the OT, most of the bosses aren't even worth doing and many you do once to unlock some storyline/shops and never again. They have legendaries, they have mega, some won't allow you some type of pokemon...least i expect is a good reward, not a couple tms and 5k poke$. Kills the purpose and i'm just not gonna bother to do it again. We are talking about end-game here, probably the most important check to see if a game is long-lasting and succesfull or a simple 'complete and quit'. PvP is lackluster due to missing items/abilities, you guys are working on it and we are patiently waiting. However if PvE keeps frustrating people with 'You recieved an Onyx' after beating a Mega Gengar and Dialga then doubt people bother invest time after a couple weeks. I've lost so many friends in this game because of this kind of RNG, sure more and more people are joining daily but if you cannot keep the old ones sooner or later the wheel stops moving forward. And just a hint, first step towards gaming success is accepting constructive criticism and being able to discuss about things :Grin: Just my 2cents. He said about no 100% h.a chance ability of pokemon reward. And it really clearly why it should not. Accept constructive but not implemented anything without thinking. This suggestion so lack of knowledge and very abusing to ruin MMO game. Similar case as breed - surely to get perfect pokemon. And whatever thhey have mega, legend, or block type pokemon. You still only need one or two pokemon for beat them BOSS (already have video about that Solo boss with one pokemon only). The purpose of boss is not gain easier way to get item guys.... you wrong into it. It just the way to have a chance for something you cannot get outside, not the way 100% to get it. About you lost your friends, it not really matter... if dev follow everything suggestion, it will similar as other pokemon game. Going to ruin and never growth again... That's why PRO is better than others. Listen but also need thinking.
Lol all your question make I know you are new in PRO? And all information can look in here as it already answer your question: https://pokemonrevolution.net/Game.php https://pokemonrevolution.net/Terms.php https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/viewtopic.php?f=7&t=1452 One point - it MMO type, not single game! MMO TYPE NOT SINGLE GAME and it under development so that why still missing some feature and will add in the future. And don't argue about legend, it is special and unique. Although you can catch almost legend below stat 600. I only want to said, your all point is about single game, it is not right in PRO.... And about pokecoins, really you just not have enough exp in PRO. I as myself buy almost thing in Coins shop by money in game. And never use exp boost, but if you play enough long, you will know me as longtime players in Red server. Thus, your point not right too...
Replace the number of the TM into its name (inventory)
Mayelesa replied to Carmillum's topic in Suggestions
He mean the name in this (not need mouse over). Similar as HM case. For example, TM1 - ABC So it will help players found out what move he need to use quickly then search for the TM number of the specific move or take time to mouse over all TM for know the move. -
♥ Mayelesa Day Care ♥ Pokemon Kanto, Johto and Hoen now
Mayelesa replied to Mayelesa's topic in Service Shops - Silver
Added limit edition service ^^ Enjoy