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Everything posted by Mayelesa

  1. It will very nice tho. However, I can see the future, players complaint whyyy so slow, can we red gid of these for battle quickkk... Just kiding btw :devil:
  2. I don't know what that means. It mean too long for read...
  3. Gunners and Sebastiank, your pokemon order already done and wait to online for so long now around 2 weeks. Can you guy pm in forum or discord, we cannot contact to both. Thanks.
  4. All order in doing or pick up ^^ Thanks you guy for using service
  5. everything will be okay
  6. Re: Shabrina's Shop ~ <t>I buy bagon 150k, larap 50k and Deep Sea Tooth 40k</t>
  7. The fact that there is an in-game shop makes someone a customer, so it doesn't matter if it's free to play or fan made. I would understand that if the game lived off donations, but as of now it looks like a business to anyone, to newcomers even more. I joined a month ago and promptly thought the game survived via micro-transactions. New players should not have to research information on the forums, when was the last time you played a game and had to read through the game manual? Quality of life changes are present in every modern game, and while there are plenty in PRO (EV's, IV's, etc) there can never be enough! Personally, I always had the forum open because the game itself is a tad confusing. I don't mean that players must be spoiled and spoon fed, but there are many changes that could improve the player's quality of life. Consumers have always been stupid, and as the years go by, the more stupid they grow. If you've ever worked in retail or with any job involving final customer interaction, you'd know this. You have to expect the consumer to know absolutely nothing about your product, or in this case, the game. I do believed, however, that people that play this game are true fans and are already somewhat knowledgeable about Pokemon, but as I have binged played 250 hours already, I've seen countless posts on the Help Chat that simply scream: "I don't know !$%T about this game." About OP's ideas, I disagree with the following: INGAME FAQ: Too much spoiling. FAQ's are usually managed in the game's web site. CROSS SERVER: It is not necessary IMO. The game's population feels appropriate, and perhaps even amazing. I was truly astonished when I could see at least 1 player in every single map. You don't see dudes in every map of WoW or other MMO's. Two servers allow for easier management for a team, who I believe, despite first impressions, seeks nothing but the prosperity of the game. That means revenue is not their purpose if someone gets me wrong. I pretty much agree with everything else, and I applaud OP's sincere intentions to suggest improvements to this already wonderful game. Cheers Oh after read yours, I agree to all your point from answer these quote :)
  8. It is the one of best benefit from MS, so I don't think they will removed it as not many players want to grind... But I cannot keep my words anymore.... YOU ARE THE SECOND ONE I SEEN IN PRO LOVE THE GRINDING LEVELING. Sorry I am hype... Best wish from me to you :Heart: Thank you so much! :Grin: It's not that I want it removed, it's that I want an alternative option so that those of us who don't want the EXP boost can do such. Sorry for mistype xD I mean "add alternative option" instead of "removed exp boost" Like the kind of membership with less benefit but less money :P
  9. You're missing the point. How do you know these aren't paying customers when you've already shoo'd them away from the game at the get-go? Of course they aren't going to come back after waiting in queue for 40 minutes on every login. You've basically made your chance of having a paying customer go from 10% to 0%. And as I said before, it doesn't matter if the information is available on the forums. Calling consumers lazy because they don't want to go on a hunt for information (that could easily be outdated because it is a forum after all) is extremely rude. When it comes to paying real money for a game that information needs to be accessible within the client itself, period. You shouldn't have to ask or reference other users to figure out what you're paying for. Imagine a grocery store that existed where none of the food had price tags or nutrition labels, that is essentially what you are excusing. Wait.. did you miss my point? Why you called players is customer or client? It is free to play guys... Staff and players is equal, they are not your slave or must be brings all plate of food to you... It is fan base game, it is about these ambition people want to make dream come true. It is not about company and client. It is not about Blizzard or Valve... I am not say you wrong about your point (your point is true about queue and chance to quit players), but did you see that the way you said showing that it not about fan base game, it is about commercial game? To be honest, only Pokemon lover will stay the long in game, so after the hype they will back or stay. Others just about thinking "hey I have money, why I cannot got in game, how about membership priority queue, and so on bla bla bla..." These "customers" will "payment" for short time but for long time, they will still leave it in short... And okay I can mistake about lazy... how about lack of research? You love the game but you even don't want to explore it or research it before play? What kind of love? You say about FAQ... and lmao I give you the link similar as concept of your idea. What's wrong in here? Last your point is true (description item), and above reply I also think it will good right? I don't complaint or against your point. So why you say what I agree with you in this point? Just noticed, did you go grocery store and ask what kind of apple are? how to use that? Or you buy something but not asking before buy? Be smart consumer...
  10. It is the one of best benefit from MS, so I don't think they will removed it as not many players want to grind... But I cannot keep my words anymore.... YOU ARE THE SECOND ONE I SEEN IN PRO LOVE THE GRINDING LEVELING. Sorry I am hype... Best wish from me to you :Heart:
  11. Foreword - Potential players yes agree, but many of them just like the skimming players (who impact by Pokemon GO hype and Steamer fan only). foreI bet they will quit soon after the hype clam down. Already happen before... Save Data Cross Compatibility - Technical issue in PRO, not about do or do not... In-Game FAQ - Here https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/viewforum.php?f=89 It is not about have or not have, it is about people lazy to explore by themselves and too lazy for searching in forum... More Purchase Incentive - Here https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/viewtopic.php?f=121&t=32848&p=192112#p192112 Although description in shop will be convenience. Disagree about gain bonus from first purchase, not need to do that. Conclusion - Well format and good purpose, but lack of researching before suggestion. No offense btw...
  12. But...but.... 1:05.... that is not 1 days.... it only 1 hour 5min for that 18 Jul....
  13. I can see you as the new players, and if you say that you meet hard in Kanto? It mean you need to study and take a time alot about how to beat them with the strategy and advantage of pokemon. It not like you abuse the high level pokemon or using fire pokemon vs water pokemon, and then see that you need more grind about that. Be hungry be smart.
  14. But the problem is how you know who is trustworthy in guild? You need to consider it, even friend can betray you, so how you know who is trust or not to invite in guild. And one more thing, you should consider as well as the worst circumstance can happen before implement. What about when the bad thing come, player complaint about it (about someone stolen pokemon in guild sharing)? The suggestion always should consider to the pros and cons, if it cannot, nothing need to discussion more... I suggest you take a time to look in here https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/viewtopic.php?f=7&t=16416 before make it suggestion.
  15. The problem is any member can take out pokemon, and what happen when some bad guy stolen all pokemon in boxes?
  16. Well I will consider to contribution to this thread then https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/viewtopic.php?f=120&t=12825 as it more suitable and more information. The guide look like so similar, not worth for make more...
  17. When you online? pm any staff in game or discord, we will picked up your pokemon.
  18. Picked up and got paid deposited. Thanks for using our service.
  19. These detail not need to show from my opinion, also these information you can get easy from community. About the rarity, the staff adjust overtime, so it need to post update overtime? About some quest or feature adding, they always announcement (as doctor quest and valley of steel). About pokemon removed, you always can check it by pokedex, or ask in help chat for community have data pokemon already. The patchnote should be only noticed to the major thing, about the minor thing it is not need and will be risk if other games using it in they game. And also many guide make by community, not by staff (as it not part or job of staff doing it). The effort and make by themselves (community) should be the main point with community in MMO game.
  20. When you catch more than 6 pokemon in team, it will automatic move to PC box in pokemon centre. And if you talk with the PC box in per pokemon centre, you have access to these pokemon.
  21. Updated: The price for Hoen now will be deleted and will have one price level up only (include Kanto, Johto and Hoen). The price of EV train for Def or HP now will change from +3k into +5k for now. It will apply for all order taking after this post, these order in process will not been applied and keep the old price. Thanks you using our service ^^
  22. The point is it guarantee for people can get pokemon <- I don't like it. However, if people get the point artefact when win, and lose the point when lose, I will agree then. It then will similar to casino function, you will have chance to get but not guarantee. That will better in MMO
  23. Re: Obtainable Legendary Recatch/Rebattle Until Caught <r><QUOTE author="Velskulz"><s> </e></QUOTE> I like you idea lol +1, no complain anymore</r>
  24. Re: Obtainable Legendary Recatch/Rebattle Until Caught <r><QUOTE author="TucanoAlbino"><s> </e></QUOTE> This point is very wrong as purpose of Legend pokemon in PRO as it is unique and only as reward for sense of process ingame only. If players want this feature, so PvP should be not allow for these legend then... In other word, you have guarantee for get perfect legend pokemon is so wrong...<e> </e></QUOTE> I think I don't understand correct what you said. You are saying that legendary pokemons in PRO are like achievements in Steam that don't matter much in gameplay? Like a social status just like shines?<e> </e></QUOTE> I mean legend pokemon in PRO is kind of achievements or social status only. <QUOTE author="TucanoAlbino"><s> </e></QUOTE> It not purpose for everyone can get good IV, it based on luck, and legendaries not tradeable. Hope it clear my point.</r>
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