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Anasanoszz last won the day on March 28 2018

Anasanoszz had the most liked content!

About Anasanoszz

Anasanoszz's Achievements

Newbie Trainer

Newbie Trainer (1/12)



  1. tell me if there's insta.. and what is the b.o atm and when the offer will end please.
  2. i want to get nasty plot on my celebi before i catch a legendary .. am i able to learn that or i need to get the legendary dog first then i do the quest with the legendary dog to be able to get nasty plot on celebi? or there's a quest with celebi only to get the nasty plot? if there's any please link it for me .. thanks!
  3. PUMP .. why no staff answer .. cmon.. just a simple Q.
  4. pump!!! please any admin or mod or staff .. tell me if my high jump kick working with this reckless or not?! thanks!
  5. need to know that if it's working here in that way or no.. Thanks.
  6. Hey guys, i want to buy all pokes from kanto to sinnoh .. pre-evolve pokes .. *explain* for ex: bulbasaur can be evolved to Ivysaur in lvl 16 then to Venusaur in lvl 32 .. so i need you to give me bulbasaur lvl 31 .. so i do the 2 levels up to get the bulbasur evolve data in my pokedex i give 1 million poke$ for that .. can be up to 2 millions if you will do sinnoh pokes .. but 1m from kanto>johto>hoenn. so from kanto to hoenn 1m .. if with sinnoh will be 2m. thanks.
  7. when it will be announce if you will ban blaziken or not anyways?
  8. -1 better than banning a blind poke that always loses 50% hp by bad luck or cuz of protect users ,die for any +1 water move .. should ban arena trap or double regenerator teams sometimes i see triple regenerators ..
  9. -1 .. if you ban him everyone will run stall and will be so hard to deal with .. there's no left sweepers in the game if you ban him that's it.
  10. when exactly from now
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