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Wollyturtle's Achievements



  1. What's your IGN? - Wollyturtle Please post a picture of your trainer card! What is your discord ID? - Willy1997#7529 How far are you in story? - Completed the story How active are you in PRO? (How often do you play?) - I play most days. Somedays im too busy being a student Are you a PvP or PvE player? Or do you enjoy both? - I enjoy the competition of PvP the most but also enjoy PvE Have you ever been banned in game and why? - No Why do you want to join Calamity guild? - Looking for a friendly and active guild while trying to move up in PvP
  2. I'll take empoleon and excadrill. Discord is Wolly1997#7529
  3. Start Sandshrew
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