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  1. In-Game Name: Tybalt Discord Tag: Andy#1304 Server: Silver How often do you use Discord? Often What is one suggestion you have for PRO Discord? Rearrange/Split channel category: Player Zone.
  2. Need new Discord Invite link since the one seems to be only usable once and returns "Expired". Reborn Bot doesn't work without being member of the discord, unfortunaly.
  3. Discord link expired. Need new invite link.
  4. It would be really neat if the PM window blinks in a color (just like applications do on windows if they finished loading something in the background) while it is minimized. (Example image shows a minimized Private Chat window with it's header colored orange (its brightness pulsing) indicating a new message from the conversation partner.) The minimize functionality is great as it allows you to not have to reopen the window all the time if you are talking with someone.
  5. Reasons being 1. Casuals need longer for one region and when started with a new region you cannot participate in the Easter Event before having completed the gyms. 2. It would be amazing, because if you started with another region before the eastern event began you could already collect eggs you find on the way to the 8th gym!
  6. Having the game start with a default chat color set would be awesome for mobile gaming. It is really difficult to touch the color settings on some resolutions and would generally be a nice QoL improvement for new players and veterans starting the game on new devices for the first time. The default set would just auto-activate if it cannot load or find a saved custom config entry. The following example shows how the default chat colors could be colorized. (Inspired by common colors in other MMOs.) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (System Message) System: You have used Max Repel! (Help) NewbLife: Hey, where can I find Ralts? (Battle) Legend_27: GGWP! You are a strong trainer! (Battle) TheRealRed: WP. Nice battle and thanks! (Help) Trainer42: You can get Ralts in Hoenn - Route 102. though it is pretty rare. (Trade) Traveling_Trader: WTS perfect Bidoof | max offer or 900k instantly (Local) Dude: Hey. (Trade) Messy: WTB all the Pidgeys! 10k/ea (All) Cthulu: What a great day it is to slaugther the Johto E4! (Guild) Mate007: Hey comrades! How are you doing? :) System: Repel effect has worn off. (Guild) Yaboi: Hey there! All good here mate! :) (Local) Dude: You look really cool. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Additionally, if the system messages stays green it should be changeable, because there are 6 default text channels and 6 colors to choose from, including the same green the System Messages are colored. This means you will end up having a green text channel mixed up with the System Messages. Lastly, one might argue with this, but by adding "(System Message)" as prefix in front of it readability would be improved through uniformity.
  7. That's a fallacy I think. I often see orange/brown cats and grew up with several myself. However, that's doesn't even matter, since you want those as a decoration for your own head.
  8. Hey would be amazing if you could add natural colored cat ears like brown colored. White or back doesn't exactly fit. Only my brother has black hair.
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