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Everything posted by Crosbiel

  1. This would be great. The people saying this leads to everyone having perfect legendaries are dumb. If you used a reroll your Pokémon clearly isn't going to be epic and considering it still uses the ticket all this does is safeguard you from your Pokémon getting worse. You're still going to have to spend the same amount on rerolls to get one with nice stats. +1
  2. I'll take the unaware clef for 500k man
  3. Sent you a message on discord man, we can arrange meeting in game
  4. Sorry for late response... Something like 450k sound alright?
  5. Hey! I'm looking to sell off this shiny Gible I caught months ago. Start Price: 40m Insta Price: 60m INSTA by AzharSaurous (Sold IG) Minimum raise: 1m Accepted payments: Only interested in $ Auction duration from first bid: 72 hours/3 days (Countdown - https://www.timeanddate.com/countdown/generic?iso=20190711T0008&p0=:&font=cursive&csz=1)
  6. Considering how sporadic world quests are and when they do run half the time there's some issue that stops some users getting tickets, it makes sense there'd be an alternate way to obtain these, unless world quest is heavily improved and made more regular. +1
  7. I'd pay 30k a million times over to marry @AshleyCurry in PRO, +100000000
  8. I'm open to offers. I think it's worth near a mil though personally.
  9. I'm leaving the store as just open to offers currently, throw me a number you think is fair and we can go from there
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