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Everything posted by Antimon

  1. Found a gligar in shiny rock at haunted site - time 0:20 7600 discoveries
  2. Found a gligar in shiny rock at haunted site - time 0:20 7600 discoveries
  3. Re: Ingame BOSS [21/07/2016 - Sgath & Keres] <t>I got a Klefki, 33k, 2 Shadow Claw TM and 3 focus sashes from Sgath</t>
  4. Bouffalant at 3200
  5. Found elgyem at historical at 3k discoveries https://prntscr.com/bngqt5
  6. Found Skorupi at natural site - 1650 discoveries 16:27 https://prntscr.com/bkilrs and yamask at 1670 in haunted 17:12 https://prntscr.com/bkimgc Also I caught a torkoal yesterday but today 3 of them fled at 1700 discoveries so they probably changed it again
  7. You can use your old account for red server
  8. Re: Available TMs + Tutor Guide - work in progress <t>Here's one<br/> Sky Attack - Love Island - 10000$</t>
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