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Everything posted by Intinygraii

  1. I was just chilling when the sever went down. I was going to mess with some game sprites and I found a 3d paint on windows 10. So I had a little mess about with it. If you plan it out right, you could make little battle scenes with it. Here is what I made when messing around.
  2. Cheers man! Chik was my first-second gen pokemon back in the gold and silver days. It was the first pokemon I cloned on pokemon stadium2 aswell.
  3. watch?v=xCjWXRaYM2c < Youtube. It's a new a new show. Check it out, tell me what you think. It won't let me post links, I don't know if the forum had a reset or something. It's been a minute since I've been back online and active. I composed the music and mixed it myself.
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