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Everything posted by Fatmanclt

  1. I want you to know that at this world : * In somme countries, you have no way to get Visa Card or Master Card or you have no way to transfert money out of the country like to PayPal. * In other countries if you are not 18 years old you cannot use those transfers. _______ So if those persons cannot get MS with pok$ they have no way to get it. I am one of those persons. Also there is persons buy many MSs at one month to sell them with Pok$, if it is not the case they will buy only one (1), This not good for PRO. Read correctly the topic before comment thanks. All u say have answer.
  2. Why would you be banned for sharing your opinion? Unless you're threatening the server, you're fine. :Grin: first of all, i'm sorry about my english and i love this game. so, i'll say some things here, it's my opinion and the opinion of a lot of my friends: - Out economy is devastated by Bots and we don't see none official announcements here in forum saying to us how the economy will be stabilized again, because many ppl left this game because they can't buy MS for 1m. in the old days you guys from staff used to say that all MS pokemons could be gotten without MS, but now if i wanna hunt for a vulaby, galvântula, gothita, alomomola... i must be ms, but ms is 1m now, and we don't see you guys from staff saying nothing to us about it, i know you guys is working to fix this trouble, but at least say something to calm us down. many promises... If there something that me and my brazilian friends have learned with PRO is: NEVER trust in PRO dates, if some member from staff says that a event will come in 10/11/2016 this event will come in 03/10/2017 at least, it's so sad, bro. Corruption in the Staff Many ppl don't know about this problem, many ppl in this game think that staff is hole, but we know, some staff members has been banned after spawning pokemons and giving it to his friends, for example that S Torchic, i won't say nicknames here. There some friends mine with diancie in his pokedex, and they gotten this before hoenn has been made. And i know, there a lot of things that we don't know and we never will know. Now about Shane: I don't know what shane do in you life, i think he's a very very very very very busy man, this is the main reason that i and a lot of friends have stopped play this game, we can't understand how can't shane separate at least 1 hour per day or per week to do something in pro, to fix some bug, to fix some move, to fix a ability, to make a big quest to get one of the pvp items... i and my friends don't know when shane appear in this game, we think this game is not the second plane to shane, we think this game is the last plane to shane's life, Shane appears in forum each one or two months.. and where is red? Why we can't know what shane and red is doing/working to improve the game? I really want to know because i love this amazing game. About Staff leaving We know, guys... You did not tell us the truth. there a print ( i will not show this) showing a staff member saying that shane don't care with his effort and a lot of staff members is leaving. and i talked with a staff member on the facebook and he said this: other things: - auction house: we know that A.H is already coded a long time and the server is already stabilized, and what a hell you guys don't put it in game? Many ppl is leaving this game, a A.H will resurrect this game again. - PvP Items, i can't understand why we have assault vest and choice scarf in this game since this game has been started and these items have never worked, so, again, shane can't, just 1 hour per day or per week, to work in pvp items or A.H? Cuz we need a BIG update now, we need a BIG update to people to return to play, a lot of friends mine are waiting for this.. ---- Well, I may have said some things wrong because I do not know what happens between you guys from staff, but it's only my opinion to improve this game that i love. It's hard to see my friends leaving this game and i'm playing it alone. I wish all the best for PRO. :y: Just the true....
  3. Are u [Censored]? People who pay today will pay in this system too , its just logic. And its a bit strange for a shiny collector like u to farm your millions with wild encounter lol. Good prat, you don't even know what you're speaking lol and dw i bot too for money. Aren't u angry that botter buy a big part of rare shiny and get banned after ? Aren't u angry that botter can earn lot of millions without playing when u try hard to get millions?
  4. game are already ruined by bot.
  5. U need money ? So you farm poke and sell it, their will be a up for the poke$ dropped on trainers, and some npc can give u pokeballs all day. I understand that he can be hard for bigginer but legit player will never compete with botter. I want to destroy bot and this systeme destroy botter, so why do u cry ? Legit player will be benefit of this system. Again : actual system benefit for the botter. The guys who can't buy ms will can farm it in the system. And it will be more easy to get a ms in the new systeme than the actuel system for legit player. Im not selfish, I think to all the legit player ! lol Bot will never be fixed in this system and all the player will leave.
  6. give argument that I have not contradicts plz. And what is your probleme with this idea?
  7. I think this is solution for the legit player, their will be happy to know that botter can't grind money 24h/24. And that will be stop the inflation of bot. May be difficult for the first days but over the long term that will be great for all legit player. Economy will back to normal and player will enjoy play in a clean game.
  8. It is just too much, I would rather prefer tradable only for once and will be untradable item after that. You know being coins tradable is why donations keep coming in. Example, a donator would simply stop donating because he already has ms active why bother donate more if he could donate soon after his ms expires. Its completely fine for me, in fact i like this. just make sure theres an alternative measures to cope up the loss of source of income for grinders. e.g. boosting the poke$ recieve from npcs or having to redeem an allowance from ur mom xD EDIT: Thanks for your message :Grin: I know its a huge change for the Ms, but consider if 100 players pers server pay 5$ each months for a Ms its 1500$ per months. I think its ok for keep the game in development. Im happy that your are agree for the wild poke :Angel:
  9. bot will go away and im fine with this.
  10. First of all, I always disagree on making things untradable in a multiplayer game. Second, I think loooot of players will quit in a week, because: 1- I get that 5$ is not huge money, but for some can be a lot. Not everyone can afford pay for fun, and they choose PRO because is a great F2P; 2- Not everyone can buy MS. Paypal doesn't work everywhere so.. those players would be scre-wed; 3- Mount and Stuff, other than MS, could be a nice add on to the fun, but 5$ gave you 100c that mains a couple of stuff. People buy them from players because they can but if you need to pay for them? I think we will never seen special mount on server so often. 4- No poke$ from wild poke will make people more poor. Indeed, to fight inflation, we need moore money from wild and trainers. 5- Win coins in game will never happen because people will only farm coins and don't buy anymore. They need donations. That's what I think. :y: First thank for being the first with constructive argument :y: Then u need to know that botter are the winner of the actual system. (they got unlimited money and can buy what they want). Legit player are poor. for your argument n°1 : The people who can't buy a ms with real ms will have possibility to buy with Coin farmed in game. N°2: As they can't buy with real$ they need to farm coins in game. n°3 The actual people who buy coins will buy coins with the new system too. The others who can't need to farm in game. N°4 Im not agree with u, the farm on wild poke its the worst solution to win money for legit player ima. And no its not a solution for fight inflation to boost the drop of poke$. The solution is to kill the botter and the price will back to normal. N°5 Coins will be difficult to farm, and itts a late game farm. And buy coins will be always a better and faster way to get what u want. Im pretty sure that the donation will not drop so high. Certainly a litlle drop because no botter, but there will always be donation for keep the game alive.
  11. Ty but what will ruins the game? Game is ever ruined by bot btw.
  12. Did you notice that not everyone in the world is a native english speaker? Jeez. Besides you forgot the verb in your sentence. "what you saying", right there. So your argument is also invalid, because of this? *takes notes* In my case, it's actually people bashing him for his suggestion that make me wanna leave, right now. All of a sudden, the community isn't appealing anymore. He feels concerned, thought about this, suggested a solution -it's not my place to tell whether it is a good one or not-, and people just spat to his face. Just :thanks:
  13. why horrible ? u can give argument instead of flame like a no brain. First of all what you saying doesn't even grammatically make sense and second of all why can't i be against stupid posts like these ? You don't see people complaining about things like this on Clash of Clans, Fifa etc. The thing is all games have downfalls but I mean to complain about it like this is exactly why people start leaving the game. Too many players are just playing this game to look out for all the flaws and things to complain about I mean what can PRO do about the economy? If you guys didn't notice PRO just made the market a bit better by making the winter sets (used to go for 2m) now go for 50 k. Another thing is you don't see people on popular games complaining that you can (don't even have to) buy things. So if people would stop complaining and just for god's sake enjoy the game that would be nice *drops the mic* Omg, the game is dying and u say : leave this game if u don't like, play if u like . U say that my suggestion is stupid and u don't even give a argument. Anyways I don't want to debate with people like u.
  14. And Legit player aren't affect by this suggestion so why u cry all? :kiss:
  15. no botters here luls Im just affraid that saw all this bad return because I try to kill botter lol
  16. why horrible ? u can give argument instead of flame like a no brain.
  17. Plz botter go away and let legit player discuss :thanks:
  18. its not, my guild leaders mostly pay for my coin stuff, they just buy coins to resell them or maybe buy some stuff for them self ^^ Its a shit system because of bot. Botter are winner of this system, not legit player.
  19. Are u retard? People who pay today will pay in this system too , its just logic. And its a bit strange for a shiny collector like u to farm your millions with wild encounter lol.
  20. Are u retard? People who pay today will pay in this system too , its just logic. And its a bit strange for a shiny collector like u to farm your millions with wild encounter lol.
  21. goal of my post or in PRO? xd In your post i don't care of your pro goal
  22. kappa keppo kappa keppo² *to lazy to screen my 4 shiny mounts, 3 ms and 4 xp boost and all my clothes kappa keppo³* what is your goal exactly ?
  23. Coins need to be untradable? lel? not every player donates to the game. For an example, if i need mounts or stuffs i'll contact to another guy who actually donates to the game and he could buy them for me. This is the only way PRO is gettin money for the servers. If coins or items become untradable then only handful of people will donate to game lol #lowdonations. That's never gonna happen, plus not everyone likes to battle/pvp, If you meant that. AYYYYY LOL? dude, Players paying $$ to game for getting coins is the only way pro is getting donations for server -.- If this stops then there will be no funds to manage server rofl. Ok sounds more like a battle tower, there is one in game iirc left side of olivine city. But it's unfunctional. Getting poke$? okay , getting coins? NOPE. 1st nope, 2nd won't happen ever. Thanks~ Do u understand that Legit player pay for botter ? Today The man who buy something in shop will continu to do with this systeme. Pro will continu to live and botter get fucked
  24. Lol All the booter are affraid lol
  25. No that will make the game balance and more real. You farm a poke not poke$, and when u have the poke u sell it in trade chat or u keep it. And bot destroy the game, and shane can't do nothing, legit player can't rivalise with botter who have 100 million in bank.
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