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Everything posted by Fatmanclt

  1. this is awesome :)
  2. Most of the time server capacity usage isn't related to lag issues. We have daily scheduled reboots, after that everything should be back to normal. Ok thanks for your reply
  3. Why the game is so laggy on the Blue server ? Plz make something, we are only 700 and its like we are 1800.......
  4. TY :thanks: If i one 1 or 2 poke for reach 25m are u ok for trade ? i will pm you for ingame but now i dont online game , i will pm when i onl :kiss:
  5. Dragonite 25m , Magmortar 10m Tks your offer , but i want sell 25m , Let me think If i add 1 or 2 poke for reach 25m are u ok for trade ?
  6. Agree! A legendary poke for 1000h played would be nice!
  7. My offer for dragonite: 5m + S Alakazam (valu 10m) + Gligar (valu 3m) + Fero (valu 2m) + S Ninetelas (value 2m) = 22 M S Alakazam : https://www.noelshack.com/2016-38-1474627490-capture-d-ecran-2016-09-23-a-12-38-34.png Gligar : https://www.noelshack.com/2016-38-1474627484-capture-d-ecran-2016-09-23-a-12-39-07.png Fero : https://www.noelshack.com/2016-38-1474627479-capture-d-ecran-2016-09-23-a-12-39-23.png S Ninetelas : https://www.noelshack.com/2016-38-1474627470-capture-d-ecran-2016-09-23-a-12-39-43.png
  8. same i want it :)
  9. Hi do u want to trade your dragonair for epic shiny or money + pvp poke ? Because i have 5m but im not sure want to sell it for this amount.
  10. True but mew its "only" 350h :Angel:
  11. If think it would be great idea to have a cool reward when u reach 1000h of play, that will encourange player to play more and more. It can be the same for 2000h. Rewards can be cool hats or mounts, or the possibility to create a guild for free ? Other idea ? Good or bad idea ? tell me :Angel:
  12. ty :thanks:
  13. Did someone ever try to buy there stardust ?
  14. Thanks very much for all your works ! :thanks: :thanks:
  15. my topic was locked and the bug is still here so - BUMP- https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/viewtopic.php?f=84&t=39266 "When u hit a milotic who is sleeping with dynamic punch, normaly Milotic is confuse, but when mitotic use sleep talk he can use hit without being confuse ( no message appears ), its just when the mitotic use 2 turn sleep talk and woke up that the confuse (and the message) appear." Btw why u locked topic without answer or resolve the bug ? Ty
  16. Why their is 400 queue in blue serv ? The server isn't full
  17. Fatmanclt

    Pvp Final Rank

    If the actual 4th place has lost all of his 30 games at 0 PvP rating and then won all 137 games after those (just the extreme case, only purpose is to explain) at the end of the season he'll have an higher rating than a player who won 190 games and then lost 24 games in a row before end of season. The ranks are final, however I agree that a date should be provided before the actual season's ending, I'll make sure to pass that suggestion :) Ok i understand, i was thinking that is only luck but i was wrong :) Yeah a date will be nice for the next season !
  18. Fatmanclt

    Pvp Final Rank

    As u can see here : https://prnt.sc/c5xrxf The final rank say that im 5th but I have 190 w 24 L and the 4th have 137 w 30 L . Just for say that i think i deserve the 4th place. Sory if u think i'm a bit greedy but I try hard all the season (most of the time I was first ), I could't play during the last week and it was the decisive week.. Too bad for me. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It would be very nice to have a announcement for the end of the pvp season with a >DATE<. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :Heart: Thank, and hope i finish 4th finally :Frown: Good job from the staff.
  19. Mmh what do u mean when u said 'legendary catch" ? Do we are able to catch the others legendary poke with this item ?? :Exclam:
  20. agree
  21. All the payers that had battle during the previous season and finish in top 25 for "only" these cloths deserve that all the cloths who was distribute during previous season stay rare and unbuyable.
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