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Everything posted by Puglyfe

  1. I dedicate this post to fishing problems. Add replies if you find other problems about fishing. Problem #1: Chance of finding a pokemon when fishing :Frown: When fishing in normal Pokemon games, not getting a poke for 15 seconds can be annoying. In PRO, the chance of finding one is around 1/14 (from personal experience) and you get a fishing cooldown which slows you down even more. This means you will get a poke every 45 seconds which slows you down a lot. This is even the reason why I created this post as I had fished for over 60 tries without finding a single poke. I suggest either increasing the chances or allowing autofishing wich means you dont have to constantly be on your computer to do it, it would be closer to real fishing. Problem #2: Fishing Cooldown :banned: The fishing cooldown icon is very small and most new players dont see it so they dont understand the mechanics properly. Also, when fishing for a certain poke, continuously moving your eyes to check the cooldown at top left of the screen can exhaust you over time. I recommend making it close to the items bag and slightly bigger so that new players can see it and casual fishers (like me) have less eye straining (Not native English speaker so not sure if this is the proper word). Problem #3: Fishing SFX Fishing is extremely dull, especially with no sound, I usually dont like having the long battle intro with the sound for land pokes because ev training gets slower but it makes fishing more fun, not very important but still to be listed. Problems I do not want to see in this post: :Nervous: Not fishing mechanics like the real poke games: In real pke games ping is unexistant, for those who have a 300ms ping, fishing would be semi impossible so this was a goood idea by the team. Chance of finding pokes: If Problem #1 gets fixed, I dont get the point of this, this helps pokemon have higher values when trading.
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