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  1. Yes he did! Thank you so much <3
  2. Hi Verdigris, I have attached the screenshots, however, I cant even get into New Mauville so that screenshot is not there.
  3. Hiya, I did check that guide and followed it. Yes, I went to New Mauville, and Wattson did not appear. The quest just wont activate.
  4. HI! So, the quest just wont start for me? Ive spoken to a guard at the PC and Wattson wont appear. I meet all the qualifications for starting the quest too. What do i do?
  5. My number is 149~
  6. Re: Reborn [international Guild][Recruiting][Red Server] <r><EMOJI seq="274c"></EMOJI> Name / In Game name: Real name: Ben, IGN: Redglaceon<br/> <EMOJI seq="274c"></EMOJI> Hours played: 65 Hours and 19 Min... and counting <E>:Cool:</E> <br/> <EMOJI seq="274c"></EMOJI> Where are you from ?: USA<br/> <EMOJI seq="274c"></EMOJI> What's your playtime / How often do you play PRO ?: It varies. typically on 3-5 times a week though.<br/> <EMOJI seq="274c"></EMOJI> Why do you want to be part of Reborn ?: After looking at all the guilds available on red server, and especially seeing the guilds events, I've decided that Reborn would be the best fit for me. <E>:Grin:</E> <E>:thanks:</E></r>
  7. Re: Akatsuki ☁ [Recruiting from Red Server] <r>1. What is your IGN? Redglaceon<br/> 2. Why should we accept you? i'm an experienced pokemon player. Im 17 years old and know my way around the poke universe. On top of that Im a huge naruto fan so the Akatsuki is naturally is for me. PVP, PVE i can contribute a lot to this guild and would love to be apart of the fam <E>:Cool:</E> <br/> 3. Do you vow to to place your loyalty upon this guild, even when things go wrong? Yessir <E>:y:</E></r>
  8. Sub no doubt. Its original and just sounds right. Dub sounds odd and i loose interest lol
  9. I would go with charmander. The long lasting strength and dual ability of him is great for your team. However Pikachu is a good choice because of the quest line you get with it. Either or are a good choice
  10. [glow=red]Heyo~ Im an avid pokemon player, 17 years old, live in the U.S. I play PRO about 2-3 hours every day (This varies on how busy my week is, obviously). Im looking for a guild so i can have a close nit group of friends to battle with, trade with, and play through the game with. I only have about 20 hours play time so far (this is due to the fact that I'm fairly new) but with that being said I'm already up to Sabrina and all my pokemon are 55+. I'm here to stay. Most important part of what I'm looking for is an active guild. I love manga too (One piece, Naruto, Bleach etc). Iv played every Pokemon game in existence and beaten them. My knowledge on Pokemon is extensive, Im not a typical noob. I assure you I'm here to stay and my play time will exponentially increase. Im on red server and my ign is Redglaceon :Grin: Thank you for your consideration hope to be invited to ma new fam :Cool:[/glow]
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