What is your in game name? Blazebrem
What server? Silver
How old are you? 18
How many gameplay hours and badges do you have? 11 Hr 35 mins as I write this. Will be more though and currently 2 badges (levelling has been slow).
Do you use discord? Yes
What is your ingame hobby(farming, selling, pvp, collecting etc)? Collecting pokemon mostly as I want to try and fill out the whole pokedex if possible, would like to try pvp one day.
Why would you like to be in team magma? Never was able to find many guilds that let newer players with under 100+ hours or completed haven;t completed all the regions until now. I think we think we need more guilds that don't have these big requirements to shine to show people anyone can join a guild not just those that seem to have all the free time in the world.