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Everything posted by Luuiizs

  1. Re: Timid 31 Speed Jolteon HP ICE! <r>850 <E>:y:</E></r>
  2. Re: selling defiant pawniard good ivs <r>320 <E>:Sleeping:</E> <E>:Cool:</E></r>
  3. Re: Timid 31 Speed Jolteon HP ICE! <r>700 <E>:Cool:</E></r>
  4. Re: selling defiant pawniard good ivs <t>180k :D</t>
  5. show imagem
  6. Re: PVP READY EPIC AND SEMI EPIC POKES <t>1.050 key</t>
  7. Re: PVP READY EPIC AND SEMI EPIC POKES <t>i start klefki</t>
  8. [highlight=yellow] [/highlight] Good Luck for all.
  9. :Nervous:
  10. :Nervous:
  11. b.o 7.5? O.O who b.o?
  12. I look now and actually disappeared Murkrow my and my bouffalant :Frown:
  13. :Nervous:
  14. Re: Epic Talonflame Galewings no lowballer <r>4m <E>:Grin:</E></r>
  15. Re: WTS Epic H.A Talonflame, Scizor, Skarmory <t>i start skarmory</t>
  16. Re: WTS Epic Sableye Prankster <t>i start</t>
  17. Re: WTS EPIC POKEMON ^.^ <t>250 :></t>
  18. I need help. I captured one Murkrow H.A.S good ivs and on Tuesday he was gone and I wanted to see what they can do for me I can remember ivs 31/10/21/-/27/21 Prankster Adamant i Caught in Event Halloween please help
  19. Re: WTS Epic Talonflame H.A & Sableye H.A <r>2.7 sableye <E>:Angel:</E></r>
  20. Re: Shabrina's Shop ~ <t>ok e.e</t>
  21. very nice sugestion... need so much!
  22. 1 - There rules in this forum, so, if you won't buy or make a bid, you must not comment the threat. 2 - I don't need to search in all the forum if my pokemon is the best, if it is epic or the worst blissey on server, i just said PROBABLY best blissey from server, because I DON'T KNOW all blisseys from red server and i'm not forcing nobody to buy it. 3 - And yes, you did not force me to close the auction, but it took me not to continue with my auction, once i was receiving negative comments on my threat.
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