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Everything posted by Luuiizs

  1. Re: Wts Epic Breloom Jolly H.A INSTA ADDED <r>B.o <IMG src="https://i.imgur.com/gR7cH0S.png"><s></e></IMG></r>
  2. Re: Wts Epic Breloom Jolly H.A INSTA ADDED <t>I started the auction 24 hours starting value of 1.2m</t>
  3. Re: Wts Epic Breloom Jolly H.A <t>Bump!!!!</t>
  4. not have time lol
  5. Re: Wts Epic Beldum <t>700 xD</t>
  6. Wtb epic jolly bisharp 26/20+/26+/--/20+/260+
  7. Insta: 2M I will only start when I get a good deal and give the time of 1 day for auction :Grin: :Grin: :Grin:
  8. MS = 300k Higher bid before deadline WINS I can always cancel auction if i dont like higher bid or end auction faster if really like a bid
  9. Re: wts epic 31atk Pawniard . 31/17/26/12/23/27 <t>not is expensive for inner focus?</t>
  10. Re: GODLIKE beldum and garchomp! <t>1.5m beldum</t>
  11. yamask 2700 discoveries
  12. Bump!!!
  13. Re: One of best Manetrics in game, Luxrays and Gliscors; and more! check! Very epic pokes in! <t>how much time?</t>
  14. Re: One of best Manetrics in game, Luxrays and Gliscors; and more! check! Very epic pokes in! <t>270 :DD rhyhorn sorry haha</t>
  15. Re: One of best Manetrics in game, Luxrays and Gliscors; and more! check! Very epic pokes in! <t>220 rhy</t>
  16. Start bid 350k 1 Day starts only first offer
  17. Wtb froakie epic timid spd 31 and all 20+
  18. 120k :D
  19. have bug for me, in 1f not pass e.e
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