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  1. Hey there! I tried to log in after being away for a few months, now i got my account rewired to the Silver server from the Red server and also recieved the Confim screen. Now when i try to log in on the client it tells me my PW is wrong while loggin in on the Gold server does work... What am i doing wrong? Grt Valentijn.
  2. Hey guys, Searching for a nice Sassy/Calm Gothorita/telle. Ability; Shadow Tag is a must. I dont mind if i have to train it myself aslong the base is good. :) Not that experienced in offering so dont get upset if my opening bid is to low, we can discuss the price.. got enough to offer. PM me here or ingame; Valentijn
  3. So basically i cant evolve my happiny and i cant do anything with it...... ? Cant GM's evolve it for me :/?
  4. Hey Guys, Didn't exactly know where to post this, I have a happiny with an oval stone, leveling it at daytime and still after almost 35 levels it didnt evolve yet.. Also it is full of happynes. Losing a lot of attacks this way :/ Since i couldn't think of another reason then a bug i decided to report it here..
  5. Would be great if u answered ingame :). Still looking for a tenta.
  6. Lv doesnt matter, Need bold nature, DEFF/HP iv and Liquid ooze ability. Offering well :-)
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