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  1. understand it's an independent game. but they have paid cosmetics and membership options. so its not like they aren't being supported. so maybe address the bugs?
  2. exactly. I was newer to the game as well. doesn't show much support to people joining their community. Granted I had a few badges and pokemon above level 25, but I didn't want to think I wasted 10 hours of a grind just to start over. and then only have one server to choose to play on. where as we use to have 3. (even though I only played on red) just seems silly to me...
  3. to prove my point on how dumb this is. I didn't have another character. so I just made one on gold. I can't even speak to a mod until I run through the dang beginning story again. what a drag. this is an outrage......my PASSWORD IS CORRECT PRO. FIX THIS
  4. tried doing it twice. changed it to a different password, didn't work. changed it again to another different password. still didn't work, but it kicks me from forums and my new pass word works everytime I log back into forums. there's got to be a big BUG in the system right now preventing red or blue server people from accessing their accounts. its ridiculous. like I literally changed in. then it tells me invalid after I succesfuly changed it when attempting to log into dashboard. my only options are to continue resetting my password for failed log in attempts or start over on gold server. and no way will I do that
  5. I only had progress on Red Server, but it says I can't log into to Silver. Says invalid username or password. Which is incorrect because I can log into Gold and start over but I don't want to do that. I just want my progress and badges back......
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