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About Miyukikazuya

Miyukikazuya's Achievements

Newbie Trainer

Newbie Trainer (1/12)



  1. Hey, looking to buy a modest HP fire Chlorophyll bulbasaur/venusaur with decent sp atk IVs. Paying real well for this. PM me or post in here if you've got one.
  2. GL with ur events
  3. Good luck with ur guild :Grin:
  4. Power plant kanto ??? or new mauvile ??
  5. Your Ingame name: Miyukikazuya Pokemon's name: growlithe Evs : 252 def , 252 hp , 6 sp deff Starting/Finishing level: 61/90 Any moves you want to keep or learn through level up?: nope
  6. OK done , ,all sold out
  7. Re: WTS epic Sableye [impish | Prank] , Togekiss [bold | Serene] <t>ok , , sold out to u @gang ty then</t>
  8. Your Ingame name: Miyukikazuya Pokemon's name: Gligar Evs : 6 atk , 124 deff & 252 hp & 128 hp :kiss: Starting/Finishing level: 60/90 Any moves you want to keep or learn through level up?: nope
  9. Sableye Impish Sold out to ganggainthisb 2.5 insta Togekiss Bold Sold out to rizkel 400k insta Rule 1. 1 ms = 500k 2. auction duration 48 hours 3. i can refuse selling my poke if price doesn't meet my expectation u can contact me in game or forum , IGN : miyukikazuya Happy Bidding :Smile: :kiss:
  10. Re: sell good feebas,togepi <t>400k toge</t>
  11. Re: sell good feebas,togepi <t>250k for toge</t>
  12. ty , ,i will try open my bag frequently in battle
  13. :v i hate when it happening on me , , , thats np if just 1-2 min , ,but , ,sometimes i got more than 7 min and make me afk
  14. When i found some rare poke , ,sometimes i got not responding , , , , usually i got not responding for only 1-2 min , ,but sometimes i got that not responding for 5-10 min if i found rare poke it just happening on me or everyone got this bag not responding issue ? https://s15.postimg.org/94rhjw9yj/sdsa.png
  15. Can i join ur guild , ,im a newbie , ,here is my trainer card
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