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Everything posted by Tranquocbao

  1. Re: selling epic aerodactyl, bagon, and larvitar and ferrothorn <r><QUOTE author="deadpoolz"><s> </e></QUOTE> When will it end ?</r>
  2. Re: selling epic aerodactyl, bagon, and larvitar and ferrothorn <t>250k on aerodactyl</t>
  3. Re: timid compound eyes Galvantula <t>i'll start 200k</t>
  4. Re: WTS Epic Aerodactyl <t>300k for it</t>
  5. Re: 2 Sableye Pranksters , EPIC Mamoswine (ONLY EPICS 100 LvL EV Trained) <t>650k for sableye 15HP</t>
  6. Re: Jaccard1 PvP Shop [sableye impish H.A] <t>I will start the auction</t>
  7. Can I find shiny pokemons from smashing rocks ?
  8. Re: Shabrina's Shop ~ <t>I buy shiny Lapras and Houndoom mount!</t>
  9. Re: Shabrina's Shop ~ <r>Hi, I'll buy a blue swimsuit ! <E>:Smile:</E></r>
  10. I have a lot of eevees with 7k price/each; aero 7k, shellder 5k
  11. Re: xApoman God Fero/ magne hp fire <r>I'll start Togepi <E>:Shy:</E></r>
  12. 330k magikarp
  13. When will the auction end? I had to wait two days
  14. 240k for magikarp
  15. I offer 200k for Magikarp
  16. the auction is closed, 1m8 for shiny heracross by Silver. Please PM me in game :Grin:
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