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Zitzer's Achievements

Newbie Trainer

Newbie Trainer (1/12)



  1. how i can see the boss list too?
  2. close
  3. so why pro wiki say otherwise in nikola page?
  4. i failed to catch shaymin. i try to fight nikola to try it again but he is not letting me fight him......like i caught shaymin already ill be glade for help tnx
  5. where can i find the salamence mount after the update?
  6. Where is the NPC who replace the jet skii to cc? He is not in saffron train station any more...
  7. s.o 400k raise by 50k. accept cc as 280k action end 72 hours after first bid insta 2m
  8. close
  9. start dragonite
  10. bin1996hn you won. contact me in game
  11. im from silver. didnt notice it gold
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