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Everything posted by Dicloniuspony

  1. - IGN: DicloniusPony - Discord name: DicloniusPony#6564 - Pokemon name: Heraqueen - Pokemon Typing: Flying/Fairy - Pokemon description: Heraqueen is the Queen Sheep Pokemon, Heraqueen are a female only species that have a new ability called Queens Charge. Queens Charge acts like the ability Swarm however it causes wild pokemon to appear next to her. Allthough Heraqueen has wings and is a flying type, Heraqueen cannot fly, however glide from certain heights. - Picture/drawing (optional):
  2. I never personally had any problems with evolving at certain times of the day, buti hope its fixed and perhaps this suggestion one day comes up?
  3. Theres alot of custom pokemon for events though? like the pikachus, togepes etc etc
  4. Perhaps instead Two Headed Rapidash being just a mount, what about it also being a pokemon? Maybe as a Halloween Event Reward you're given a level 5 Ponyta but with purple coloring, and only evolves at Nighttime at level 55? I thought it would be a fun little idea or so, My friend and I are even working on little sprites of it too. It's something I see would be fun to work towards.
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