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Everything posted by Sayainji

  1. bid increased to 200K by Naomisocute12
  2. Auction started by Blacknis in 3:12 AM my time
  3. all together 2 shiny pokemons, you win the auction you take them both Marill and Kingler together S.O 100K min rise 50K Auction duration 48 hours no insta accept CC = 400K good luck ^-^ Contacts : IGN : Sayainji Discord : Sayainji#2746
  4. can be closed, got what I wanted
  5. update I purchased 2 tools : all I need now is : rock climb, dig, flash, cut, dive, waterfall)
  6. Looking to buy all the tools ^^ preferrably with discount budget is 2M
  7. Shiny gengar is sold! can be closed
  8. @Djonasty has won the auction! please contact me for trade
  9. 2 hours left! Seems like no one can beat this C.O 1.6M by Djonasty ! it's last chance
  10. Bump! last chance! 24 hours left
  11. just curious, but isn't protean banned in pvp? it's already mentioned in the rules
  12. the other guy didn't specify on which one he started on.. So I'll be specific and start on both
  13. Noted : Auction will end in 5 days, exactly : 25 June, 2:37 PM (my time)
  14. S.O = 800K min raise bid 50k no insta accept CC = 400K Aution ends 5 days after first bid Good luck ^^ IGN : Sayainji Discord : Sayainji#2746
  15. let me know if you want this one IGn : Sayainji discord : Sayainji#2746
  16. .
  17. Sayainji

    Mega sableye rant

    LOL, say it again now xD
  18. I see, o.o sorry didn't know about that.
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