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About Pokemaster16

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  1. Re: Epic max IV PVP Gengar, Frosslass and gardevoir <r><QUOTE author="GhostMaster"><s> </e></QUOTE> I bought the gastly for 900k and trained it so 1 mil is lowest I can go on it<e> </e></QUOTE> ...........sorry aint got that much u can take 400k as BO for now</r>
  2. Re: Epic max IV PVP Gengar, Frosslass and gardevoir <t>I dont exactly know what to offer but i will post it 300k gengar</t>
  3. Day care is a really good way to have fun and help others . Welcome to Pokemon Revolution Online!
  4. Yup u are right gen 5, 6 pokes are ugly although mega evolution is a really good concept . And welcome to Pokemon Revolution Online
  5. Good old Dragon Ball Z
  6. Congratulation :Ambivalent:
  7. Re: ..:: Kaley's Shop :: v3 Soon ::.. <t>I pass</t>
  8. Re: Kaley's Shop [Machamp 30min left] [New wave - last before shop v3] <t>320k for machamp</t>
  9. Re: Kaley's Shop [Machamp 2h left] [New wave - last before shop v3] <t>290k machamp</t>
  10. Re: Kaley's Shop [started Auction: Machamp 24h] <t>Machamp 260k</t>
  11. I will buy a lvl 100 machamp , ev trained and must be adamant , pm me we will discuss the price
  12. Re: Taipouz shop : Impish Sableye Prankster (Ongoing auction) <t>Mamoswine 350k</t>
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