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  1. Hey Guys, i would like to buy any Paras. It just needs Aromatherapy Your Erdbube
  2. The title already says, what I want. Meet me at Blackthorn City
  3. @Contrary Thank you!
  4. Hey Guys, many Player posts in the Trade Chat "Epic Pokemon". Do the Pokemon need much IV? If yes, how much? Thank you for reading my post. Your Erdbube
  5. Hello, i dont want to be a pain in the butt for you, but 40k from my money (before 102k) is gone and my Regice isnt LvL 96 anymore. Sorry to bother you Your Erdbube
  6. Hello, im wondering what´s the best Pokemon nature for Santa Claus and The Grinch. Thank you for reading that. Your Erdbube
  7. Hello, I would like to buy a Seaking with Lightning Rod for the Boss Hanna in Hoenn. I would pay 25k to borrow it for the boss. Thank you Your Erdbube
  8. Hey, how long, until the 5% Clone pokemon Birthday Event will end? Will it be just today? Thank you Your Erdbube
  9. Im selling: Selling LvL 72 Gyarados, LvL 100 Tyranitar, LvL 100 Dragonite Write your Name here and I will add you. Lvl 72 Gyarados: 50k Lvl 100 Tyranitar: 110k Lvl 100 Dragonite: 100k
  10. Hello, today I saw in a Video, that one Player played PVP and the Enemy got a Mega Garchomp! Can you get know the Mega Evolution of some Pokémon? When yes, then how can I get some? Where can I get the Stones? Some Informations would be nice. Your Erdbube
  11. I saw 2/3 weeks ago, that in my Inventory were an egg bar. I wanted to ask, if there are some Informations about the Eggs "Update" Erdbube
  12. I saw 2/3 weeks ago, that in my Inventory were an egg bar. I wanted to ask, if there are some Informations about the Eggs "Update" Erdbube
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