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Everything posted by Sghir

  1. If there are bids less than 15 minutes before the end of auction, I may not be able to moderate this as I'll be busy until 15:30 gmt+1
  2. @Uxxelmonit was started ig right after it went live, I posted it
  3. Started at 15:20 GMT+1, ends in 72hrs
  4. Auction starts and ends 3 days after first bid S.O 15m Min bid 200k No Insta Accept cc 400k I can transfer servers if the buyer is from Gold Server, but an additional fee of 'one cc' will be added so I can transfer back. Discord : _seghir (Seghir#5200) Good Luck Everyone
  5. Can be closed
  6. @Ahmed04 is the winner, please contact me In-Game
  7. bump
  8. Bump
  9. Auction S.O 1m Min bid 100k Insta 5.5m Ends 48h after first bid Only cash Discord : _seghir
  10. Memircea Won, can be closed
  11. Memircea is winning for now, he posted before I finished my screenshot. Ends in 15 mins
  12. 1.8m by Brainslugs999
  13. 1.7m by Memircea
  14. 1.6m by Brainslugs999
  15. C.o 1m by Xzoduz123
  16. Noticed, ends 23:28 GMT +1
  17. Auction S.o 600k No insta Min bid 100k Cash only Ends 2 days after first bid discord : _seghir
  18. Auction is closed, Kombu won
  19. Noted, auction ends monday 21:40 GMT +1
  20. I'm auctioning this cute bunny. S.O 3m Insta 7m Min raise 200k Ends 24hrs after first bid Accept only cash Discord : _seghir
  21. Hey, it's Seghir, been friends with many members (like Fafouney who recommended me the guild), and I'd like to join the guild. I came back after a 2 year absence What's your IGN? Sghir ● How old are you? 24 ● Where are you from? France ● What's your total playtime? 3.8k ● What do you enjoy doing in the game? Not raging at epic fail syncs ● Would you like to offer some kind of service to the guild? (ex. Daycare service) I'd like to offer random cursed life stories (if not, it's totally alright!) And the most important question of them all: Which Bidoof Form do you like the most? RAIDOOF FTW
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