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Everything posted by Sythiel

  1. hi, i'd like to buy your 300k ada heracross
  2. how much for haxorus?
  3. hi...i'd like to buy your 300k jolly excadrill...pm me here or in game when you are online
  4. hi..i'd like to buy your modest slowking...pm me here or in game when you are online
  5. hi..i'd like to buy your alolan ninetales...pm me here or in game when online
  6. hi, i would like to buy your staraptor 400k, pm me here or in game. Thanks in advance
  7. Hi...i'd like to buy your aggron, pm here or in game if he's still available. Thank you
  8. I'm loooking for a jolly Binacle/Barbaracle with good iv and tough claws ability. Write here or pm price
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