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Everything posted by Poopsmagoops

  1. i think the current tms being added are great, but adding these few more would be a great bump
  2. Check the count down clock sir
  3. This is a gold auction so yea that should work @Evilprotagonist
  4. Start: 200k Auction ends 48 hrs after start Min bid: 25k Insta: 1.8m Accept CC 450k Re-roll 520k ENDS https://countingdownto.com/?c=6061486
  5. Start: 200k Auction ends 24 hrs after start Min bid: 10k Insta: 1.6m Accept CC 450k Re-roll 520k
  6. Start: 200k Auction ends 9:26PM CT 1/24/25 Min bid: 10k Insta: 1.6m Accept CC 450k Re-roll 520k
  7. Start
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