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Everything posted by Poopsmagoops

  1. 2.550.000 larvesta
  2. 2.450.000 larvesta
  3. Larvesta for 2.350.000
  4. 2.150.000 larvesta
  5. According to the wiki Gallade should learn psycho cut at 31. My Gallade is 33 and it is not an option:
  6. I believe slowbro ended. I will transfer to silver when you are online @Verankass
  7. @Ghouler I will be around in 30 or 40 if that’s ok?
  8. Auction over!! @Ghouler what server are you on?
  9. 1hour left !!!! @Khasala1999 @Zncholo @Nathji1723
  10. 450k
  11. Start Price: 1.3m End Point: 5:00 PM CT 11/8 Insta Price: 6m Minimum Raise: 25k Accepted Payments: Pokedollars, Coin Capsules (x1 Coin Capsule = 400k), IV Reroll Tickets (x1 IV Reroll Ticket = 500k)
  12. 13 hrs
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